Is it normal that i fear pregnancy

I have tokophobia, which is a fear of pregnancy. I am actually afraid to get pregnant, or give birth. The very idea makes me sick. I hate the thought of it. is it normal to be afraid of pregnancy? Are any of you afraid of it?

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87% Normal
Based on 39 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm more afraid of the financial toll that having a kid right now would take on me than anything else. I also find the process to be... uh... gross. To be clear, I don't think other people are gross for doing it, just the process itself is er... gross o.o

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Sure it's normal. Something like one fourth of women died in child birth before modern medicine. If I lived last century I would have died too.

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  • Adelenatalie

    It is freaky anyway if you think about it. I also have it. It's really causing a edit between me and my boyfreind..... I mean the whole thing is just so scary. The thing feeling in you. You getting bigger, the painful birth..... Nine months!!! Argh it is scary. But lots of females have done it.... Maybe you should just see what they say. Some of them say it's like a magical time or whatever.

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    • Adelenatalie

      The thing growing in you sorry not feeling in you

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  • chained_rage

    I totally have that fear.
    It would be very surprising if I got pregnant though.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I can relate.

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  • SIllyStacy72

    I have a fear of pregnancy too, the fact I hate vomiting, and morning sickness is unfortunately part of being pregnant, also I have a fear of childbirth, pushing a human out of my uterus just scares me!

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  • Nokiot9

    Fuck yeah it's normal. I'm a guy, but I'm sure if I wasn't Id feel the same way. Having something that big and heavy coming out ur vag and ripping it open so badly you need stitches and plastic surgery to be the same again. The hemaroids an tissue damage and Petechial hemorrhaging from pushing so hard. And carrying a little human around in your tummy for 9 months with it all moving around and stuff. And the horrible pain during birth and scar if you get a c section. It sounds like an absolute nightmare. Yet everyone that goes through it claims its a friggin miracle. "It's a trap!"

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  • ely02mercado

    I am tokophobic too ... primary tokophobia ... you know .. based on my own experience, when I was 16.I was at the hospital for my physical check up .. then there was chaos from the room next to the room I was checked up in .. there were screaming and crying .. then when I peaked outside the window, I saw a fresh corpse of a woman died from childbirth ... from then on I don't want to get pregnant hell even having an affair ... and I'm just planning to adopt .

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  • Jazyritz619

    I'm 22 and my family tends to put a lot of pressure on me because all of the girls I grew up with since childhood are mothers now (some were mothers by the time they hit their teenage year). I feel like having a child isn't just being financial stable but being mentally ready. I'm not ready to be a mom because I have so much more to explore (socialize, drink, do some drugs). I don't want my life to be taken away because of a poor timing decision I made bringing a child to this sick world. I don't want to be know as the mom who leaves her kid behind because she didnt get the chance of having fun as a youth. It's no longer you anymore but your child priorities before anyone and anything.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I don't know if I fear it particularly, but I sure wouldn't want it to happen to me at this age!

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  • Rihyae

    I fear it too :c.

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