Is it normal that i feel bad for being atheist?

I've been christian for most of my life because if my family but I soon began to feel like I just couldn't believe it anymore, religion just doesn't make any sense to me. I feel bad about it because my family and freinds are really religious

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Steve2.1

    Not normal to feel bad, but perfectly rational and normal to have stopped believing in silly fairy tales.

    Good for you.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Congratulations on coming to your senses. I honestly believe your life will be better for it. Don't feel guilty, enjoy your freedom and we can hope your family comes to agree with you one day.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

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  • walkingdildo

    A lot of shit being said here.

    Yes it's very normal to feel bad. Religion often works on guilt, an ultimate cowardice on your part, but it is an illusion. Stick with your unbelief, and eventually you will stop getting those pangs. About October 2014 I lost my faith down the bathtub drain. Literally I had been doubting for a while after much Bible reading and theological thought and discussion, with a friend who is now aiming to become a priest for the Orthodox church! Funny how things turn out. I finally had my epiphany in the bath one evening.

    I had, for a long time, been pulled by animistic beliefs and my experiences had not matched the Unholy Bible. There was no god answering prayers, and life carried on much as it had after I stopped. Life disciplines and teaches us, not god. And there is no use petitioning it.

    Now I am slowly starting an ancestor veneration path. No worship, no gods, no requirement of me.

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  • Dreamsao

    Religion is cancer to society so good job. Dont feel bad.

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  • CreamPuffs

    Do not feel bad, there's nothing wrong with it.

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  • Stamex

    You should never feel bad for being yourself.
    Just be who you are and try you best to find some sort of happiness in that.
    If people disagree, they'll disagree.
    And obviously, when enough people disagree it's considered "wrong", but don't worry about that...

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  • ABabyPanda

    As long as you're not an asshole about it like some atheists, you shouldn't feel bad. You can't force yourself to believe in something you don't, so why feel bad about it?

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  • iiitbcobu

    You are being yourself, and not following the crowd. You go! I've been getting hate from my family for years, but it still won't change me! Religion is silly. They will hold onto whatever the fuck it is they want to believe in, regardless of when it gets proved wrong. Science searches for ways to be proved wrong, and is constantly evolving.

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  • umph

    You should feel bad and repent. Imagine what will happen if you fail to repent. You have committed one of the greatest sins: apostasy.

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  • Charli.m's_Messy_Period

    There is no real conflict for Atheists to be socially affiliated with a church. Just be supportive and don't tell people what you think.

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  • PeoplePerson

    This post makes me so happy.

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  • dinz

    It is just as bad if you were pretending to follow a religion if you didn't genuinely had faith in it.

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  • icanteven

    i believe in most of the things that Christians believe.
    i am not a christian, i actually dont have a religion because i dont know whether the god i believe in is the same god all these other people are believing in, have you thought that maybe you dont exactly have a religion but you are maybe spiritual in a way, that way you still believe in some stuff instead of cutting it all out, that way you might not feel as guilty. you shouldnt feel guilty for the way you think, you choose your own path, your family doesnt, they just send you a way to start off with. :)

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