Is it normal that i feel empty/abandoned after i finish my favorite show?

So I recently finished watching all three seasons of Highschool DxD, an anime and my all time favorite show, and I really want to find out more about what happens because I feel like each episode is left on a massive cliffhanger even though the story does a good job closing it up for the season finale. But I can't help that I feel like I've been abandoned and I feel really empty for a while and it takes forever for me to get over it. This has happened to me twice with this show and the first time was so bad that after I finished the first season, I didn't watch the show for two years later, which to my pleasant surprise there are two more seasons! And now that I've finished the show again, I feel lost again. is it normal That I feel this way? Alone and lost? I've tried starting new shows similar to it, but I think that makes it worse.

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84% Normal
Based on 44 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • raven404

    Yes, this is normal! Not a good thing, but it's actually normal. It's so normal that there's a name for it, it's called a 'showhole' and Amazon uses it for advertising but it's ridiculous how often this happens to people.
    I definitely don't think it is a good or healthy thing, but I really don't have a solution for it because this happens to me every few shows I watch that I get obsessed with and then I can't stop watching them.
    I think maybe we (as humans) have been immersing ourselves into things that aren't real so much so that we can't find happiness or purpose in the things that are real anymore. That sounds kind of crazy but it's just my thoughts.

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    • SweetPancakes

      Wow seems logical to think so, thanks for the response!

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      • raven404

        You're welcome! I wish I had a solution for you and everyone else!

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