Is it normal that i feel like everything has an invisible string attached?

I don't know how to explain this very good, especially since English isn't my main language, but here it goes:

I feel like everything – both living things and objects – have some sort of string attached, and so I always try not to get them entangled.

For example: if I'm walking on the sidewalk, and there is some sort of obstacle, and I go around it, I NEED to remember which side I took and go around it from the same side when i'm returning, or my "string" will get "entangled".

This also happens with objects I'm using:
If I take an object and pass it through something, when I putting it back i NEED to pass it through the same thing again. Also i try not to rotate an object that much, or it could get "entangled" with its own "string".

As you may be thinking I can't always satisfy this obsession because I don't always return using the same route I went to a place, so it's not like i feel like I'm gonna die right there if I don't do it; it's more like we are Dental Floss Dispensers and our strings have a limited length, and over time we spend more and more string getting it entangled, and something bad it's gonna happen when we run out of it.

The "string" thing is an analogy I use to explain this feeling to other people, but it's not like I imagine a string attached to things. I don't know how else to explain it.

I know this isn't rational, but i can't help but let this obsession change the way i live, so i need to know just how normal/abnormal is this, and if any of you feel something similar to this.

Voting Results
34% Normal
Based on 74 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • chunsangel

    Omg!! When i was little i used to always be afraid of spinning, because every time i did, i would need to spin the other way the same amount of times i did the other way the first time.. It all stopped when one day i decided.. "I'm gonna try to not care about how many times i spin.. Or go around this object..." Nd so i didn't count.. And after that, i stopped reversing! :) everyone thought i was weird for thinking that way but... I finally for over it one day hah ~

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    • JuanPabloDuarte

      Wow it's the same thing for me!! I'm glad to hear you got over it, i feel more confident about getting over it myself. :)

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  • jazzy-swordfish

    Sounds like OCD. You'll be okay.

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  • FJK_frm_AK25

    Ocd bruh

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  • Aub

    Ok then...

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    FINALLY, someone who feels the same way! I seriously thought I was the only one!!

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  • BellaJane

    It's alright, I have OCD and I do the same behaviour, but for air mass. Like the air has invisible molecules and I can't breathe in without holding the breath to let it come back out of my nose and if I turn my head I have to turn it the opposite side also.

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  • Mark92

    Watch out for the Tentacles!!!!!!

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  • Avant-Garde

    Look up "String Theory".

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    • JuanPabloDuarte

      Mmm, I don't see what String Theory have to do with this...

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      • Avant-Garde

        So, you don't see thing the way I do... I was under the impression that the theory purposed that all matter could have originated from these Superstrings. And if they originated from them then that would explain why they are connected to things.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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    • JuanPabloDuarte

      How is that cool???

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      • Terence_the_viking

        You can see the ties that bind us.

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        • JuanPabloDuarte

          I thought i said that i don't actually see the "strings", not i think they exists.
          It's something i feel.

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Feeling and seeing are not as far apart as you would think.

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