Is it normal that i feel like i am going to be ready to man up?

Ever since that I had joined, I have learnt more because I know that some of you were in the same age as me and had gone through stuff.

But anyways I feel like I am ready to be tougher, man myself up and get ready to enter the life of adulthood.

There's more that I see in adulthood that of an adolescent.

I was once told in the streets by a passerby to learn my real responsibilities when I do become an 18 year old. He told me it is time to find my inner manhood inside of me. It is either I grew the fuck up or I don't. I have two options but the option I chose was to grow the fuck up and teach myself on what I could do more when I am 18.

My inner man self is talking to me and I know what you are thinking.

You're probably asking why am I going on about this?

The simple thing is that when there's an intensity of maturity. Maturity will always choose you. No matter how smart people are.

Manning up also means doing things for myself but also taking things a bit seriously.

Choosing my own goals is another thing, my inner man self tells me to stop gruding on others, keep going forward with myself and finally surround myself with the correct people. Those are what people who man up do.

The life of adulthood is awaiting me.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Taking responsibility is a requirement to succeed in life...

    You are on the right track.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Had a response in mind from the first paragraph then totally forgot it by the end. Like, what does this even mean dude?

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    • Boojum

      For once, I agree with you.

      That says... something, I guess...

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      • litelander8

        Same. And for once I agree with you! Jk it was just short enough to keep my attention. Hahha

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  • bubsy

    "Burdens that you willingly choose to bear" in other words, responsibilities, aren't just what makes you a man. They're what gives your life meaning.

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