Is it normal that i feel like i do not do anything everyday ?

I am 27, i am self employed so i work out of my apartment where i live alone

I get my daily work done thoughout the day and i run errands to keep myself alive (Grocery shopping, haircut, pick up prescriptions, fill up car gas tank, go to post office, pay rent, etc) but at all other times i do basically nothing.

What i mean is, aside from those necessary activities, i basically just sit in bed on my ipad and watch movies, browse the internet. read the news, eat, maybe listen to music, etc. Maybe if i work up enough motivation i might do some pushups or use the gym a little bit. And of course i can always wack off a few times a week.

I do not have any other hobbies really. No sports, no bars, no clubs, i do not socialize, i do not travel. I do not "hang out" with anyone, no gaming, no religious or political or other organizations... So basically nothing,

I find myself extremely bored and low energy most of the time. There is nothing else i have any interest in (i have tried many things) but at the same time i feel like i should be doing more somehow.

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63% Normal
Based on 32 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Short4Words

    You sound pretty bored and depressed. You never had a dream as a child?

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  • tommyboy530

    I cant say its normal, but i do the same thing. Do you feel anti~social and void as a person? If so than you may want to see a psychocologist for a mental health assesment. You may possibly have a disorder called "schizoid". But I am not a psychologist so Im not certain.

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  • nematoadblue24

    Very common in people to be like this
    but unhealthy

    go for a jog!

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  • Wild_Child

    Increase masturbation to once a day, and golf to twice a week, and you basically have early retirement.

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  • NathanScot

    State of mind....Only u can chqnge it,by urself.Cher'

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