Is it normal that i feel scared and start shaking when i close my eyes?

When I close my eyes I feel that someone is behind or in front of me and wants to kill/harm me. If there's an object behind me (e.g. wall, chair) I feel that someone is in front of me and vice versa. I feel very scared and start shaking. It doesn't happen every time I close my eyes, though. And it doesn't happen when it's dark.

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37% Normal
Based on 102 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • HigherDimensionalGeometries

    You are haunted by demons.

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  • snowtail802

    ha chuck norris is behind you ready to go obama on your ass

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    It's normal! We're human and being scared of something is part of life. I will admit that I do get scared sometimes in the dark with my eyes feels as though something is lurking behind me. I know it's just my imagination, but it's still scary all the same. Even though it doesn't happen to you in the dark, it may just be your overactive imagination that will not shut off! I hope you find a solution!

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  • Archbang

    If it isn't a physical problem and you think that you don't have any disorder, Call to Jesus Christ (Demons might be playing you!)

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  • gotogirl118

    It sounds like it may be paranoia or anxiety...if it continues maybe think about talking to a therapist.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I get the same thing except with me it's when my eyes are open.

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  • squirelhunter

    How do u sleep at night?

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  • Silivrin1

    You probably have a phobia or are somewhat paranoid. You could go talk to a therapist about it if it is a big problem for you.

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  • Faceless

    Have you recently stopped smoking crack cold turkey?

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