Is it normal that i feel sick but don't want to know what disease i have?

I am a middle aged owner of a small business that has only just barely survived the recession. It has been a very stressful 3 years. My wife who has a chronic illness, my employees (and even my three cats) all depend on me for support.

Lately, I have had a dull pain in my abdomen unlike any other pain I have had, along with some other symptoms. I am often tired and can barely make it through the day. I have not told anyone about this. I have been putting off going to the doctor because I am afraid of what the diagnosis could be.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • seakelp

    A doctor. See one.

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  • mariacachucha

    i understand you and you are being a very brave, selfless man. But please look after yourself, and try to do it quickly :) I dont wanna scare or hurt you, but if you're saying going through a treatment now would be horrible for those around you, imagine what would happen to them if you died.... please look after yourself, otherwise whos gonna take care of them? ;)

    its probably nothing, but dont postpone it please! Go check it just out of curiosity at least

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  • sassafrassi

    I understand, but take it from me, I didn't go to the doctor for a month when I had eye problems because I had just gotten an eye exam and she said everything looked good. I knew there was something wrong with my eye but it didn't seem like a big problem (enough to pay another $80 that I had just shelled out a week ago.) until I started not being able to watch tv and everything started looking wavy. So I finally got worried enough to get my eyes checked and found out my retina was detached. (pretty severly, I could have gone blind.)

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  • Gideonbeliever

    Please don't rely on anyone's medical advice on here. Please go and see a doctor. If it is serious it will be much better for everyone (including the cats) in the long run. and if its not serious your mind will be put to rest.

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  • howaminotmyself

    You do sound a little stressed. When you are stressed it weakens your immune system and your symptoms will feed off of each other. Being afraid to know what's going on will only add to that stress so give yourself some knowledge to combat that fear. Stress is a normal reaction to someone is your situation so don't worry about it, but don't ignore it. Your body is trying to tell you something. Maybe you just need a good massage. And good for you for surviving the economy! It's tough out there.

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  • zchristian

    Not to say for sure but it could be stress because when i have stress i am also very tired, unable to do just about anything and have a bit off pain. Just to be sure get it checked.

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