Is it normal that i feel sick if i don't eat any meat?

I' am a 21 year old female, but the problem that I'm about to describe happened three years ago. My goal was to lose weight. I did that typical thing of exercising more often and trying to eat healthier. This meant that I was avoiding or severely limiting the consumption of candy, junk food, and anything that was greasy. This approach lead me to eat more fruits and vegetables, but I ending up eating less meat over time. I would not consider myself as being a vegetarian during that time because I would still eat meat. I just wasn't eating meat very often at that time. Whenever I did consume meat, it would not be very much of it and it would usually be in the form of deli cuts. The only reason why I ate less meat was because I was trying to avoid as much fat as possible. Thankfully, I now know that this is not the way to go. When I was barely eating meat, I became anemic, developed more acne, was lethargic, experienced random dizzy spells, and became sick more often. Now that I eat enough meat, along with plenty of other foods, I don't suffer from any of these problems anymore. After having all of this be said, I conclude that a vegetarian diet is not for me.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Fetiza000

    I find it ridiculous for people to just go vegan, we are naturally born to eat it so why betray nature?

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  • Alichael

    Meat contains protein, which keeps your muscles functioning and intact. Without protein, your muscles will start decreasing in size making you weaker, thus making you feel sick. When you excercise, you have to eat protein so the strength of your heart and your muscles can develop from the excercise you do. If you're trying to burn fat, you don't have to avoid meat. Actually, not eating enough protein and making too high a percentage of your diet carbs slows down fat burning. Best diet for fat burning and muscle strengthening would be a good amount of lean meats and lots of fruits, veg, and high fiber whole grains. But make 30% to 40% of your diet protein. Don't neglect protein, but don't do the Atkins diet either, you need some carbs. For people who don't want to eat meat, they can make their protein sources dairy, beans, and tofu, and soy products. But I'm glad you've realized and started eating meat and getting the protein you need, and are feeling better.

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  • paramore93

    Eating less meat shouldn't have done that at all. I can only assume that the rest of your diet was flawed and you were eating the wrong foods.

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    • Dustyair

      You're full of horse shit.

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      • paramore93

        Maybe so. None of us here are the epitome of knowledge, just speaking from experience.

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        • Alichael

          Good answer. None of us are on a pedestal above anyone else in general life wisdom. We learn from experience, and from different things you read and hear, but since none of that is all the same, it's up to you to decide which source that you've read or heard fits best with you. Then combine that with your experience.

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  • athem

    It may have been down to not eating the right foods when you don't eat meat. You have to make sure you're getting enough protein (and vitamins) from other sources if you do. Being vegetarian (or even mostly) isn't for everyone, and that may be the case for you too, but it can be sustainable for a lot of people if they watch what else they eat.

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  • Nickvey

    the only meat you should eat is fresh unprocessed meat . raw steak chicken fish, eggs. nothing added. then cook and season it as you desire. then eat of it till full . the other meal should be meatless and low carb raw food . nothing wrong with raw fruit either . it has enough nutrition to keep itself alive. eat like this and you grow young again. 2 meals a day busting a gut both times. you eat yourself skinny. you never get sick, you have tons of extra energy. You can play like a child. your bowel movements become almost magical, gone is the stinky sticky putrid crap. you will wipe your ass and find nothing on the paper. just a single brown turd in the toilet. You are shitting like a god because for the first time in your life you are eating the food your species was meant to eat.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Deli meat really isn't all that good for you, but hopefully by now you already know this.

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    • Alichael

      Deli meats has too much sodium. Best to stick with fresh meat, more natural and taste better anyway. To me, there's nothing like a good steak, burger, or freshly cooked chicken, with the skin, it tastes better with skin in my opinion, I don't buy skinless breasts.

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