Is it normal that i feel slightly disgusted about sex and marriage

I don't feel like reading romantic novel or movies anymore,
used to be a fan, I guess, but not anymore.
I don't want to dress +wear make out.
I don't want to date anyone.
I am not lesbian, I just feel weird about men.
men cheat. men abuse wife and kids. men smoke and drink.
men are mean regardless to their age and ethnicity.
I just want to be quiet.
It's so noisy.

Voting Results
56% Normal
Based on 9 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Mark92

    You said "men cheat. men abuse wife and kids. men smoke and drink. men are mean regardless to their age and ethnicity. " Women do all that too, unless of course you are Asian or from a 3rd world country where women are held backwards and men have have more privileges then them. Smoking and drinking are unhealthy but their choice of lifestyle (women at a bar in my place drinks more than men do), women can be just as mean to men and other women, if people don't like people its their choice.

    There are countless examples of women cheating men (one example is famous musician Billy Preston catching his wife Kathy Silva cheating on him with his friend Sly Stone, this traumatized him so much he chose to become gay and lost trust in women, this is just one out of so many similar cases). Stephen Hawking's second wife Elaine Mason Hawking took advantage of his disability situation and physically abused him. Regardless I do agree cheating and abuse are wrong no matter which gender you are from, cheaters are assholes and people should end their relation with them as soon as they see their partner cheating, and abuse is totally unjustifiable and those who do physical abuse should be locked in prison!

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    • Mark92

      This is a news of of a woman punching and kicking her own 21 month y/o baby to death:

      Many similar cases happened, women can be just as violent and bad as men. And op if you are some men hater just here to whine and complain about men being bad and hide my comment, i have it saved, I will keep re-posting again.

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      • Poster: you know me, I am a girl.
        Not gunna hide any comment cuz I'm not a coward mf.

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  • lordofopinions

    It sounds like you came from a dysfunctional home. Were you abused or mistreated growing up? Was you dad an ass hole? Maybe talk to a councilor?

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  • Checkmate_King

    Well poster thanks for clearing up that mystery about yourself. People were starting to talk and stare about you, sitting all alone in that corner of the library, on the floor, muttering to yourself about how you hate testosterone in all its flavors while sticking pins into voodoo dolls of Fabio.

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    • It's probably just temporal(I hope), in fact, I do have needs in my mind, although most of my time I don't feel right around men/women/creature/people that are sexually attracted to me.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Is it normal that I read this with a Russian accent in my head?

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    • Natasha has hacked IIN!

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    • Poster: try proper chinese accent - stick your upper front teeth out.

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    • e51pegasi

      да, нормальный.

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      • lordofopinions

        Я думаю, вы должны набирать текст на английском языке, поскольку здесь не так много людей понимают русский.

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        • e51pegasi

          я думаю ты прав.

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      • lordofopinions

        Da! Normal. (Russian)

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      • RoseIsabella


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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Typical inaccurate generalizations.

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    • Poster: tell this to my alterego, I'm not responsible for sexuality.

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      • Pumpurrnickel

        "I just feel weird about men.
        men cheat. men abuse wife and kids. men smoke and drink.
        men are mean regardless to their age and ethnicity."

        Most men are not like that, and all those things can apply to women. You ARE responsible for your ignorance.

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