Is it normal that i feel this way about the movie titanic

Let me start by saying i love reading about Titanic, it is really fascinating and the movie was well done also witth great music too. I loved it as a kid and i still love it.

But something has changed lately, i see the movie in a totally different way and it bothers me.

The movie makes Jack and Rose look like the good innocent ones, and Cal (her fiancee) and her mother look like the bad guys.

But if you think about it, Jack and Rose are not really good. Jack, a filthy Third Class piece of shit, ran his game on an engaged First Class woman passenger to get into her pants. That is unacceptable and pretty low if you ask me. Just imagine all the other girls around the world that he probably had sex with, all the STD's he probably contracted, and how many marriages he probably ruined in the process. How would you like it if someone put the moves on your fiancee? He did many other wrong things too, like stealing a passenger's coat and lying about having gone through Inspections to board the ship when in reality he had not gone through inspections.

Rose was nothing but a whore, Cal was 100% right about this. If she had any respect for herself or her recent engagement she would not have cheated on Cal. It all happened so fast, within just a couple of days, she did not even think twice about running off with Jack and having sex with him. Pretty "loose" if you ask me... I would not touch a girl like that with a 6 foot pole

Cal was a respectable wealthy businessman who worked hard and took his fiancee Rose (and her mother!) on the latest and greatest cruise ship in the world, the Titanic. That is an awesome vacation if you ask me, what a spoiled brat Rose was to spit in Cal's face.

In the end Jack got what he deserved, he deserved to freeze to death because he was a manipulator of women and a thief and generally just a disrespectful guy with no regard for rules, not to mention just an all around broke ass loser in life with no job, no money, and he hangs around a bunch of lowlife Third Class scumbags.

Rose survived but she might as well have just died too since she lived out the rest of her days as an unaccomplished moron and she continued her whorish ways for many years. She kept that valuable diamond her whole life without selling it, and then tossed it in the ocean. What a dumbass! She could have had a great life with Cal or someone else like him but instead she wasted her days doing stupid pottery stuff.

They also made Mr. Andrews (the ship architect) look like a wonderful brilliant guy. HE BUILT A SHIP WITH ONLY HALF THE REQUIRED LIFEBOATS. What kind of dumbass do you have to be to do that. Either put enough lifeboats on the ship, or none at all. Dont do it halfass.

Anyways is it normal that i feel this way ??

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40% Normal
Based on 10 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • thegypsysailor

    My gawd you make everyone seem like such losers. They got to sail on the finest, newest most beautiful unsinkable ship ever built, no mean feat and a win in my book. Too bad it worked out like it did.
    Jack and Rose aren't heroes or the dregs of society, they are just human beings trying to get by the best they can, just like all the rest of us.

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    • Quintarius

      Cal is also just a human being doing the best he can. He is not the evil guy the story makes him out to be. And Rose said she heard that he shot himself in the jead after the crash of 1929 hit him hard. I feel bad for him, he was a smart and successful guy who got very unlucky, his fiancee cheated on him and he ended up committing suicide.

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      • thegypsysailor

        20 years between the two incidents. If he didn't get over being cheated on in that amount of time, I certainly would call him a loser.

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  • FJK_frm_AK25

    The only fact of that movie is the doomed ass ship so who gives a fuck

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  • KingTermite

    Some might not agree that being a scumbag, as you define it, is grounds for the death penalty. Others might.

    Also, Rose was being railroaded into the marriage because her mother was broke and didn't want to give up her lifestyle. Cal was abusive and thought of Rose as a trophy, not a person. Rose was also going to have to give up her dreams (going to the pier, horse riding, etc.) if she went through with the marriage.

    I don't remember the way Jack and his friend gained passage to the ship, but if he seduced someone, well... it takes two to tango.

    I think there was a bit of moral ambiguity on purpose*, but a morality tale wasn't the point of the story of the movie, it was a love story and if box office numbers are any measure of success, it accomplished what it set out to do quite admirably.

    All of that said, I thought it was boring and completely over hyped. It's hard to make a movie very suspenseful when you know what's going to happen, and that Jack couldn't get on that thing Rose was on just seemed like bs.

    I also wasn't a fan of the music. "Near, far, wherever you are..." sounds like it was written by a child. It also seemed like many lines rhymed words with themselves which is pretty weak.

    * When you make a protagonist all goody goody, like say, Harry Potter, you end up with one dead boring protagonist. Every single character in the Harry Potter world is more interesting than Harry. Making Jack or Rose "perfect" would have been really dull. Besides they showed Jack being a good guy by not telling how he saved Rose from committing suicide because he knew it would go badly for her.

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    • Quintarius

      You talk about Rose getting railroaded into marriage like its a bad thing. In many countries and cultures though, arranged marriage is a great thing that works out very well for everyone. There is no evidence that Cal was inherently a bad guy or that he was just abusive for no reason. He was pissed off when he started finding out about Jack and Rose, and i dont blame him. If that happened to me i would be furious, most people would.

      And also even if the marriage was somewhat forced, it sounded like a pretty good lifestyle to me. You say that he thought of Rose as a trophy, but lets face it, its not like she was some brilliant woman with a career ahead of her. She was just a good looking piece of ass, not even a very nice piece of ass either. So as far as i am concerned, she IS just a trophy and Cal would be in the right to treat her like that. I am sure whatever Rose wanted to do, like horseback riding or whatever other bullshit, i am sure Cal would have done it with her. She would have really enjoyed that lifestyle.

      Rose WAS selfish. Her family was broke and all she could think about was banging some Third Class passenger and running away with him. That is selfish especially when she had an opportunity to better her whole family.

      Anyways what bothers me the most is how the movie, and as a result most of society who has seen the movie, automatically sides with Jack and Rose like they are the heros and they are innocent and so great. But they are not so perfect in reality i think.

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      • KingTermite

        Did you even read what I wrote? I said flat out that they were flawed, that was part of the point.

        Your concept that arranged marriage is a wonderful option is your opinion, I don't think most women would agree it's a nice deal. Cal was shown to be an arrogant dick from the very beginning, you weren't supposed to like him, that's why he was characterized that way.

        Roses railroaded marriage sounding like a good lifestyle to you is just your opinion, it was not the opinion of the character. Rose's character is actually really well motivated from a story structure point of view. IF you disagree, go read "Story" by Robert McKee and then get back to me on it, otherwise you're just blowing more of your opinion and I'm not going to argue your opinion, you're entitled to hold any stupid view you see fit to hold. Enjoy.

        OK, you agree Rose was just a trophy. Yay, maybe that has something to do with why she rebelled... not wanting to be the trophy of an asshole like Cal. Dunno, just guessing here.

        Can't imagine why you'd think Cal would do anything to make Rose happy, it seemed very clear that wasn't his aim in life.

        Perhaps you come from a culture where duty to family comes first, that's nice. That's not how the character of Rose felt, thus she acted accordingly.

        I think people enjoyed it as a love story, I can't recall anyone ever praising their characters as being innocent, great, or perfect. But as I mentioned earlier, I have no interest in arguing why your demented world view where women are second class citizens is invalid. There are plenty of places in the world where those views still hold the majority. However, the movie wasn't made to appeal to those cultures and as I also previously mentioned if the box office is any measure the movie was a resounding success.

        Personally, I thought it was a predictable 3 hour turd and I'll never get that time back. James Cameron has been disappointing me for years now, Avatar was a steaming pile of shit as well.

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        • Quintarius

          Well at least we can agree that Avatar was a steaming pile of shit

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  • BrulkBrotheon

    Yeah but Cal was a beta bitchboi who mistreated Rose. Jack actually cared about her on a human level

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  • HiAGAIN10

    Jack actually had feelings for her, considering he risked his life for hers many times. Cal and Roses's mom may as well married eachother, they were both snobs. Rose wasn't happy, considering she was willing to take her own life. If she really was a whore she would have snuck around on the ship, and paid others to keep quiet.

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  • handsignals

    Here's a little ditty bout Jack and Roseanne....Weird Al, lil help

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so its all bout the class warfare eh?

    i hear sauron were a fantastic job creator

    look at all he did for mordor

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