Is it normal that i find flamboyant gay men silly and slightly obnoxious?

I don't consider myself to be homophobic, but I sometimes find myself aggravated by flamboyant/stereotypical gay men - not for the gay sex part, mind you; there's nothing wrong with homosexuality and what each person does in the privacy of the bedroom is his or her own business, yadda yadda - because it seems like there is a double standard between straight and gay men regarding what is socially acceptable behavior. What may be seen as acceptable behavior and met with cries of "Oh, that's just how he is!" for a flamboyant gay man may be seen as excessively loud, boisterous and attention-seeking for a straight man. I want to stress that I don't find anything wrong with homosexuality in itself; I have a gay uncle (and I don't mean that in an "I-know-one-so-I-can't-be-prejudiced" way) and his sexuality has never bothered me, and rarely even occurs to me at all. It's just a very, very small minority of gay men that I have a problem with. Are these sentiments normal or am I just a closet homophobe?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 78 votes (61 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • BloopBloop

    You can find them obnoxious, as that's your opinion. But you can't stop them from being that way. It's just the way they want to be.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Annoying is annoying, this has nothing to do with the sexuality.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I hate overly cocky people who treat others as inferior, gay or strait. Just because it is a trait that is more commonly associated with gay men, doesn't mean that it annoys you because they are gay. Just a specific personality trait that you don't appreciate.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I couldn't give two shits about someone's sexual orientation, but I do not appreciate it when someone flaunts it in my face. I honestly don't want to know any guy's sexual orientation, because it is of no consequence to me; I am not going to be asking any guy out. If I ask a girl out, then, and only then, does it matter one way or the other.
    I find the "swish" gays to be totally embarrassing and offensive to be around, and are best suited as the comedic presence in a B movie.

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  • gummy_jr

    If a person is annoying, they're annoying. I'm the same when it comes to the loudmouth ghetto-acting girls that I see all the time.

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  • Anime7

    I feel the same. I don't care if you're gay, but I care if you're annoying. I'm just going to leave this here.

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  • xtreemgamer129

    I have lots of gay friends and none of them are the fabulous stereotype you see on tv. In fact when some of them came out everyone was totally shocked and thought they were joking because they act like ordinary straights in everyday environments.

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  • if i dont mind it in a girl i dont mind it in a guy

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