Is it normal that i find it sorta difficult to do sit-ups?

I'm a dude with a pot belly, used to be a dude with a flat stomach before COVID even became a thing. I find it difficult to do more sit ups the maximum I can do is 5 but I am not going to give up in losing my fat and getting back in shape just like I have always done 3 years ago. I am still trying to lose fat as well as watching my favorite fitness channels who motivate me to lose weight.

I only do sit ups as one of my fitness routines because I find fat is unattractive and undesirable.

Is this what I'm describing normal?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 8 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • DeletThis

    Probably, but ab workouts don’t remove belly fat specifically, so I wouldn’t focus too much on that. They will strengthen your core overtime so you should be able to do more sit ups after a month or so, but if you’re still overweight you won’t be able to see the six pack that may be underneath.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Just in case you don't realise, exercising a specific body part won't make you lose fat from that body part any more than usual. You will lose fat from that body part, but that's only because exercise in general makes you lose fat, but exercising that body part specifically won't make you lose any more fat there than any exercise would've.

    But anyway, good for you for trying to improve yourself and become healthier. You can do it!

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    do cardio and lay off the cheeseburgers

    situps wont do a lot for belly fat

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    • Somenormie

      I don't even eat cheeseburgers much.

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