Is it normal that i find religious people and atheists equally annoying?

My family is pretty religious, but we don't center our lives around religion or use God as an explanation for everything. I would say that I mostly just respect God and have hope that there is a God, so that I will have life beyond death.
While I find it aggravating when people explain away any question with "God made it that way", I also really don't like it when atheists make sarcastic little comments about having an imaginary friend.
For some people, the thought that there is a God is their only hope, and it's disrespectful to just blow it off like you're telling them there's no Easter bunny. But ultra-religious people can also be somewhat condescending, acting as if they know the will of God.
Is it normal that I think this? Or do I just hate everyone?

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89% Normal
Based on 75 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I agree.
    Anybody who thinks that they have the authority to tell someone what God's plan or will is is nuts.
    Anybody who thinks that they have the authority to tell people that their religion is wrong and that there is no God is a prick.

    In my opinion, the only difference between someone that will sit there and tell you "My religion is right and you're a lesser person than I if you don't believe in it, and non-believers are worse people and are damned for eternity and need to read the bible" and someone that will tell you "There is no God and anyone who believes in God is an idiot and not as intelligent as I and believers need to pick up a science textbook" is which side of the church door they are standing on.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I'm the same way. My parents and I are Catholic, but we are not obsessed with our religion. My sister's husband is a religious fanatic (the obnoxious kind that makes everybody hate Christians in general) and my brother is an atheist. They are both very smug and think they know everything. It makes me just as annoyed to see my brother praising the "intelligence" of Richard Dawkins and Charles Darwin as it does to hear nothing but Bible verses come out of my brother-in-law's mouth. And don't even get me started on their stupid their little "battle of wits" whenever they're in the same room with each other.

    Why can't people just believe what they want to believe and not go around throwing it in everyone's face or getting into arguments about it just to prove that they're right? Whatever happened to "live and let live"?

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  • HellFlower

    Personally, I'm atheist, but I understand and feel the same way. It's my own belief, and I don't push it on to others. I hate it when other atheists take pride and just act as if they're more superior than others; the same applies to overly religious people. We just all need to respect everyone's beliefs and mind our own.

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    • Alison89

      Yeah, I hate that, too. I remember guys in school that acted all smug about religion.

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  • alv1592

    I'm Catholic but I don't force my beliefs on anyone. But I agree about comments from atheists about having an imaginary friend, it's very offensive. But if hypothetically there wasn't a God, I still believe that our spirits are alive after our bodies are dead. I just don't want to believe that we're gone forever after death...

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  • AnalyticalAm

    I personally don't believe in God, but I don't label myself atheist. I don't feel it needs to go beyond that. I don't believe. Nothing much to it. I'm just fine with anyone who IS religious. It's what they believe. That's all. I don't shove my views of it down people's throats, they don't do it to me.

    It's like... I like the color orange. You like green. I'm not going to try to convince you orange is better than green. I'm not going to tell you are wrong, or bad for liking green. Its just two different colors... Or views, I should say(to tie it all together neatly.:D).

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  • Kawaiithelinnie

    Yep, totally normal. I'm the same way! I find both parties to be equally as annoying as each other. There are the "Jesus freaks" or "bible bashers" that go on and on about God and think that the only explanation for everything is "GOD made it that way". BUT THEN there are the ignorant and provocative athiests who like to criticize the religious people by calling them "Jesus freaks" and they think that it's primitive that they have "an imaginary friend up in the sky", yet they have probably never read the bible or know that God is like a spiritual entity, rather than a "big man in the sky." Both are just as hypocrytical as each other.
    And yeah, like you, I am neither very religious, nor am I an athiest. I wasn't born into a religious family, we don't go to church or anything and I haven't read the bible or anything. I neither believe there is a God or isn't. I have an open mind. But for some people, hope is all they have. Sometimes we need hope that there is a God, and it makes sense that there would be some "spiritual energy", this energy that has a will and a conscience, because the Earth is so perfect and precise, that it couldn't all have been a coincidence. Something HAD to have made it like this. I believe in science, but I do have hope that there is some sort of God, for one day when we are all dead and gone, it makes it better to know that we will all be reunited in heaven.
    Plus, when my lovely little green bird died, I turned to God. I prayed that I would again see her in heaven. She was such a wonderful bird, and my sister who was only 4, killed her with a stick. May she rest in peace. xx
    Sorry for such a long post, I'm just bored.

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  • blackalica

    i'm atheist, and the way you behave to others through religion, shouldn't be there in the first place. your religion is YOUR opinion and if no one else likes, whatever:/ at least you stand up for what you believe in right? smug people make me sick just like it does you so it's nothin but a thing man, soo..... all i gotta say is... live your life and it'll all work out man. peace

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  • Malaglinir

    Not all of us atheists make snide remarks or are dicks about our beliefs (or lack of moreso). It just happens that the minority of atheists that do this are rather outspoken.

    It's the same way with theists. Most Christians don't go around yelling at people telling them they are going to hell, but the few that do give them a bad rep.

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  • Energy

    Yep, it's normal! I feel the same way sometimes.

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  • Alison89

    Yes, it's normal. You're probably also annoying to some of them (depending on how vocal you are), but that's okay too.

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    • yeah i never argue with anyone about religion, because it's pretty pointless to argue about something that you can't prove either way

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      • DolphinAngel

        But religion is useless if there is a god or not... science is so damn important... religion causes pain all the time!

        And if a religious person starts a discussion, I will tell them it is useless etc.

        Normally I don't make fun of them or insult religious people in general but if they do,I will too.

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        • Alison89

          I don't agree that religion is useless. For many people, believing in a higher power gives them the strength to go on after they've suffered many hardships.

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