Is it normal that i game a lot during covid?

Man this pandemic sucks.

I am a 30 y/o single guy who’s a regular office slave.

I haven’t gone out much since the pandemic started and now 1,5 years later, I’m still sitting in-doors gaming my time away after work (I work remotely due to covid).

I feel depressed, but I can’t go out and meet people during covid, so I just spend my spare time gaming.

Catching covid would be a death sentence for me as I am in the risk group, due to my liver transplantation a few years ago caused by a birth defect. Still not healthy, living on meds and I feel generally shit, more so now with all this social distancing.

Covid sucks…

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95% Normal
Based on 20 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • LornaMae

    Why is it you haven't had your vaccine yet?

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    • I have, but the vaccine just makes you less likely to catch the plague or die from it. 🙂

      I would probably still get covid very easily as immune system is generally bad due to being in the risk group.

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  • Imitation

    i've managed to get bored of everything during covid

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  • Somenormie

    I gamed a lot since the lockdown from March last year.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I would imagine most people who enjoy games have been gaming more due to COVID. When the pandemic first hit, Discord in particular was having issues with the massive influx of people on their servers.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im not getting the vaccine i even bought a fake vaccine card. But if I was in your situation id get it.

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