Is it normal that i get butthurt about the fact that people hate dogs?
I'm so frustrated with myself. I've recently realized that I get irritated/butt hurt when people say they hate dogs. I know, every one is entitled to their own opinion. I agree with that completely. Honestly, it's kind of what I live by. When it comes to religion, sexual preference, ANYTHING, I won't judge because I know everyone has a certain way of thinking. But it really hurts my feelings when people say they hate dogs. I'm a total dog person. They complain about the fact that they bark too much, that they poop inside the house, that they smell. You can always train your dogs to not bark and you can also train them to use the bathroom outside. As for the smell, bathe them. That's all you have to do. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to someone's house and it smelled like cats. Cats can stink up whatever room you put their litter box in. People talk about how violent dogs can be. Dogs are whatever you raise them to be. If someone doesn't teach them to be kind and loving and not attack, then they will be violent and do whatever they please. I can honestly say I have NEVER been bitten by a dog. I've never been chased by a dog, I've never been hurt by a dog. I've been scratched by cats a bunch of times. Heck, when I was little my grandma's cat scratched me in my face when I tried to pet it. Though you don't see me going around saying I hate cats and blah blah blah. My point is, is it normal that this irritates me? I feel like a total hypocrite because I always believe that everyone has their own opinion but I can't seem to let go of this pet peeve of mine.