Is it normal that i get judgmental, irritated, or frustrated at everything?

I have this issue with the above and I'm not proud of it. But I am a bit concerned. Yesterday, I saw someone comment on a friend's Facebook status and they said something I disagreed with. I didn't say anything, but I had this flash of...something. Annoyance? I don't know. I seem to be getting irritated by the little things now--last week I went off on my mom over something unrelated because my grandma came into my room while I was away and turned my ceiling fan down. I have a very short fuse, and while I always have, this is MUCH worse.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • pixie_dust

    this is why it's therapeutic to forgive. I think with you, though, it goes deeper than that. I would say you should meditate, try wearing amethyst crystal, yoga class, or just relaxing in nature.

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    • UncleDrCooper

      I used to go out on walks to clear my head, but I've been slacking off lately. The fact that I stopped, along with some complications from a medication I'm on might be a big part of this issue. I will consider your advice--I was just thinking yesterday about finding some new ways to calm myself down.

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      • pixie_dust

        yikes, it sucks that you're on pharmaceuticals. Whatever your condition is, I would imagine there exists some natural method to treat it. That could be part of your problem. Mental health pharmaceuticals are particularly evil.

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        • UncleDrCooper

          I keep hearing that, but I don't know if I want to risk stopping medication (with the permission of my doctor, of course) and try something natural. It just seems like it's not worth the risk of failure.

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          • pixie_dust

            maybe if you consult a naturopath doctor and explain the situation.

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  • Walterbasherdinger

    I'm mentally ill and have experienced this same thing on and off. I'm not saying that's what's causing it, because this is common and many people experience it for a variety of reasons. pixie_dust has some good advice there about meditating. I know many people who didn't believe in meditation until they tried it, and as practitioner myself, the effects can be incredible.

    However, if the problem persists and none of the other remedies work, go see a doctor. Mental illness is no joke and must be addressed, as there are many conditions that cause feelings like this. Get well.

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    • UncleDrCooper

      Thank you...I actually have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I started a new medication in March or April and I've recently been dealing with possible effects--stuff like having a short fuse and being triggered into a bad mood over the dumbest stuff (like the example I gave). I see my doctor next month and I'm gonna be talking to her about this.

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  • nakyanjabel

    You just don't have peace at heart,BTW,u will grow old because of that kind of wierd attitude .i used to be like that till i realised its self torture,just punishing urself.let go

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    • Dulse.

      Good advice.

      It's hard to change the way you look at things like this OP, but through a little discipline, you can have a more peaceful state of mind. Try to calmly remind yourself that it's not a state of mind that helps things.

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  • mlenny

    Look, I don't know you or your life, so this is just a guess: a bad reaction to puberty and/or intermittent explosive disorder. But again, I am aware that I don't know anything about you other than what you told us and I don't mean to offend.

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  • Nokiot9

    I'm like that too with some things. Like when my gf uses my ipad and forgets to turn the screen back vertical (the CORRECT fucking way!) and lock it, when my roommate uses my computer and leaves a Thousand windows minimized in the tool bar. Or when (like right fucking now) my neighbor is going in and out of his apartment and up and down the stairs every fucking 2 min for absolutely no reason. OMFGGGG IM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!

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