Is it normal that i got emotionally attached to several youtubers?

I had to do a project about Youtubers once, mostly, about people that have personal videoblogs on Youtube. So, while I was researching I ended up watching many videos. Some vloggers really caught my attention and I started watching more of them.

I don't know when exactly, but at some point I ended up being kind of obsessed about the whole deal. I ended up watching entire channels and even videos of some other Youtubers featuring the ones that I like (they do collaborations a lot). Mostly, I follow British Youtubers, like Zoella, ThatcherJoe, SprinkleofGlitter. Danisnotonfire, Amazingphil, among others. They are all really relatable and friendly people, so it really feels like you truly know them after you have watched enough of them.

Anyway, I have really gotten attached to all these people that I don't even know. The worse is that I feel like a weirdo for feeling this way.

I was just wondering these 2 things: Has anyone gone through this? and, Do you think it is normal?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 53 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • stopandthink

    Emotional attachment to annoying people you've never met and who don't know you exist.

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  • flightlesskiwi

    A lot of people get emotionally attached to celebrities, so getting attached Youtubers is quite normal since they are just a new kind of celebrities. I'll never understand, though, why some people get emotionally attached to people who don't even know they exist.

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  • The British favorites of mine are DoctorRandomercam and Sargon of Akkad. I watch vloggers more than anything else online. They rule Youtube nowadays. Lol.

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