Is it normal that i got fired for peeking 1 time?

Yeah I had this job at a gym starting doing odd stuff and worked my way up to working at the desk after 4 yrs and was pretty good at it. So they hired a new guy to do what I did cleaning up the lockers and one day he says to me wanna see something and he takes me down to the hallway that leads from the men's lockers to the women's and he opens the door just a crack and you can see in and see the naked girls. Well you probaly know what happened 1 of the girls saw us and reported us and we both got fired. I didn't think it was fair cause I only was there a few secs and it wasn't my idea. Maybe the coulda suspended me or somethin.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    So instead of doing your work you slacked off and spied on people without their consent? Yeah, I can see why they fired you. Slackers and perverts are two of the worst kinds of people to be around. XD

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    • SkullsNRoses

      At what point when OP was told “you wanna see something” and led to the women’s changing room did he think this was going to end well? Brain before dick next time OP, and you would do well to learn to resist peer pressure while you’re at it.

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