Is it normal that i had this reaction to medication?

So, I took Invega and well, to put it simply, it caused me to become really tired, and it felt hard to breathe, not to mention my eyes were out of focus for a long time.

I went to the hospital because of it. Is it normal?

Voting Results
37% Normal
Based on 19 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • VinnyB

    Didn't the hospital answer this question?

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    • Not really, no. They just said that this was a typical reaction, but other than that, there was no real answer. I forgot to mention that it gave me high heart rate and low blood pressure.

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      • VinnyB

        Please reread what you just said. You asked in your post if the reaction you had to the medicine was normal. I asked if they told you if it was when you went to the hospital. You answered "not really", and then the very next thing you said was that they said it "was a typical reaction". Well, if they said it was typical then they did tell you it was a normal reaction to that medication. So how is that "not really"?

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        • Well, because, a medicine shouldn't make someone has trouble breathing and high heart rate as a "Normal reaction". Though, the more I think about it, the more I see that maybe I had an allergic reaction.

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          • VinnyB

            There are medications that have those side effects, hell, there are medications that list "death" as a possible side effect. Just because you don't think those should be side effects doesn't change the fact that they are, and nothing anyone says here can change that fact. Unless you think the hospital staff lied to you and IIN users will be able to tell you the real side effects? A simple google search will show you that trouble breathing and increased heart rate are listed as side effects of that drug. The hospitals job is to treat the symptoms. If you want to change medications, speak to the original prescribing doctor.

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    • NathanScot

      Wondering same thing mate.

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  • howaminotmyself

    What did the drug pamphlet, the doctor. or the pharmisist say? I dont know rhis drug so I would have to google it. But in my experience, drugs come with a huge printout of all the potential side effects.

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  • Aries

    The blurred vision is a possible side affect however , the fatigue and breathing complications are not . I don't know what to say unless the other effects gave you anxiety , making it hard to breathe . This happens to me with anxiety attacks , I would consult your doctor immediately . What are you even using this medication for though ? do you suffer from mental illness? possibly another treatment is better for you .

    best of luck! sorry to hear about all this .

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