Is it normal that i hate babies and toddlers for shitting in public?
I find it offensive that parents carry their wailing little shitbags around in public, smelling up the entire area with one of the worst smells imaginable.
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I find it offensive that parents carry their wailing little shitbags around in public, smelling up the entire area with one of the worst smells imaginable.
Get a job as a stinky baby inspector and arrest all the little stinkers and put them in stinky baby prison.
Problem solved.
I had a talk with your mother, and apparently you used to do the same thing, until you were five.
Babies have their shits contained in absorbent shit pants, generally when these pants are filled their parents swap it out for a new one. Where do you live that no one changes their babies diapers? Babies cannot help that they cannot use the toilet. If you're going to be annoyed at children be annoyed when their parents let them run wild in a public place undisciplined with seemingly no regard for other humans trying to go about their day.
the way i see it, babies dont have much choice in the matter, i mean when they go, they go! the easiest way is to vacate the area! lol
I hate doggies and kitties for shitting in public more. I've never had to clean baby doo-doo off my shoes, have you?