Is it normal that i hate cgi in movies?

I can't stand CGI in movies. I'd much rather them use practical effects instead, like they did in the 80s and backwards.

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85% Normal
Based on 13 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • LornaMae

    I take it you're not a Jurassic Park fan...

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    • CountessDouche

      Oh dear God

      I wish you guys would stop making me randomly sign on by bringing up my favorite things like this is The Sound of fucking Music.

      Let me preface this by saying that this does not come from a place of anger, it comes from a place of love and deep respect...and also a place filled with abject horror. Also, allow me preface this by pointing out the FACT (not opinion) that there is only ONE jurrasic park, JP1, and the rest of the movies erroneously wearing that name are nothing more than poorly made dinosaur films riding the coat tails of epic genius straight to the dumpster.


      So, sometimes when you're friends with people, you tolerate their occasional bad behavior because you know, deep down inside, they are good people, and all people make mistakes. So for example, when Sounds Weird says egregious things like, lol, I have jurrasic park on for background noise (as if it's fucking hot tub time machine and not something that demands respect) right now...I am capable of counting to ten, and reminding myself that at some point during the trajectory of their lives, everyone inevitibly says the dumbest thing they will ever say whilst they are alive, and it's all uphill from there.

      So, I forgive.

      But eventually, even the most patient and understanding of people will reach their proverbial capacity; patience can be lost, regarding horrible jurrasic park related language from a group of people who refuse to educate themselves by watching jurrasic park because they're too busy with frivolous things like "having jobs," "taking care of family," and "helping children." It really makes you question people's priorities...

      The actual facts:

      When I sent you the scene, featuring the first dinosaurs encountered by one dr grant, the infamous scene featuring a brochiasaurus standing on it's hind legs (completely inaccurate btw as that's not physically possible based on their bone structure), and I tell you this is the penultimate moment of the movie and we are all holding hands across the space time continuum so you can experience true purity and genius, what I meant was the childhood magic feels generated by the essence of movie magic and the reverberating nostalgia inside of our childlike souls. This has nothing to do with the special effects!!

      That's actually the only part of the movie that's full, long shit CGI, and therefore looks like garbage, and aged horrendously. The rest of the movie, however, is absolute perfection, and that is because it relies heavily on practical effects with smatterings of CGI to fill the necessary gaps. The triceratops scene, for example was 100% animatronics (I saw the real thing and laid on it's tummy to recreate that scene. Moment. MOMENT). Practical effects are what makes that movie so epic, and are the only reason it holds up after all these years and still makes modern movies look like the trash they are.

      I still forgive you for your blaspheming, because I know that it was done by mistake, and with the purist intentions, but spreading misinformation about the one true movie (besides spacejam) in a Jenny McCarthyesque fashion is something I can not sit by and watch. You have access to a fountain of JP related knowledge (I let the mososaurus from jurrasic world 1 live in there, but only cause I love those dinos, not because i condone that movie), so please drink from the font of true wisdom before you go spoutin' some mf bullshit.

      I'm joking btw. You know you my monkey. I cant fucking believe you did this though...dude...

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      • LornaMae

        I did it for you! Hahahaha

        I was lazy to type out but there was a whole narrative in my head as to all the difficulties production would have faced to cast real dinosaurs and imply that had it not been for cgi the movie would not have been made and how your life would have been miserable without it.

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        • CountessDouche

          Awwwwwww! This is why I love monkeys...there's a purity, an innocence, and when they drink, an honestly even....& I totally forgot we're pig pearls now, but that's ok.

          They did fuck up big time by not casting real dinosaurs. Our pigs would not have pearls if the world didn't take an annoying flaw, like a grain of sand or a lack of dinosaurs, and use it to create a beautiful pearl...JP would never have happened.

          Btw...the only movie I know of that actually used real, live, trained dinosaurs was an arthouse film called "Tammy and the T-Rex" starring Paul walker, an amazing and accomplished actor. you've probably never heard of because you didn't major in avante guard film. You might want to look into it, but only if you have a solid grasp on Friedrich Nietzsche, otherwise you won't get it.

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  • Somenormie

    CGI just cheapens the experience of a movie.

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    Well if you can tell that it's CGI, then yeah.

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  • CountessDouche

    Yes, dude, CGI is traaaaaaaash, unless used VERY conservatively. It ages so poorly. I have very few movies that are CGI heavy that I believe held up for over 10 absolute favorite moment in titanic (propeller guy, the most epic extra) is even not cool looking (which destroys my soul. I love that scene)!!!

    Avatar (JK not m nights shalumanumas biggest fail) held up for a surprisingly long time, but I guess that was goals for that movie, because they didn't spend a foreskin on hiring anyone who could write a good story.

    I have homeboy energy with you. Im into practical & I'm related to someone who makes movies for a living. The thing, baby.

    I've heard of this really good movie called "jurrasic park" but I've never seen it in meh life. Everyone fangirls about this moment with a trex mf hero-ing up and a corporate banner and the most amazing representation of animal yeeting man into an oblivion created by his own arrogance. NOT INTO IT!!!

    I'll leave you with this:

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    somea the practical effects looked just as corny

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  • Sanara

    It is my least preferred animation style, but I feel hate is to exaggerate. There are some CGI movies I genuinely enjoyed watching, if the story is great it can override animation style and make it actually immersive

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  • olderdude-xx

    What's really bad is that the 1st all cgi movie was actually quite good (Tron, made in 1982).

    Cgi done well is awesome. Just like Cartoons done well (think the early Disney cartoons: Snow White, Bambi, etc). The problem is doing it really well and good cost $$$$$ just like the Disney cartoons cost more than most normal movies), so you see a lot of cheep cgi added to movies.

    Cheap never looks good... and rarely ages well.

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  • Same. It always looks fake

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    CGI should only be used if necessary, the original The Thing is a good example of practical effects being just as good if not better then CGI as you can see compared to it's recent prequel.

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