Is it normal that i hate hospitals?

So, I am at the hospital right now waiting for my father to be out of minor surgery. However, I hate these environments so much I just feel uneasy.

For starters, no matter what hospital I go to I always find the staff very rude and difficult to deal with. No matter how polite I am to them I can never illicit more than a dreary voice and a "I have no time for this" attitude. Not once have I ever encountered a smiling hospital attendant. Yet, they're all so friendly with each other.

Secondly, I hate the smell and the feeling that there are people in the same building as me taking their last breath. Picturing them and their families hurts my heart and it makes me want to cry. Yes, I know, babies are born here too, but the death gets to me more, because it's heartbreaking.

I just heard on the intercom that there was a "code blue" in a certain wing and about 3 doctors rushed past me in the hall. I looked up what "code blue" meant (big mistake) and learned that it was cardiopulmonary arrest. This sickens me even more. Does any one else feel this uncomfortable in hospitals? Or am I just delusional?

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83% Normal
Based on 29 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • dirtybirdy

    I don't think anyone likes hospitals except maybe hypochondriacs.

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    • Spankz

      Haha that might be true!

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  • emma1891

    I hate hospitals aswell... feels quite weird that there are other people that are ill or dieing! But its horrible...

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  • Adelenatalie

    Duh.... Who likes it. Smell of sickness everywhere. everyone looks sick and sad.....

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  • RoseIsabella

    It doesn't bother me as long as tha code blue ain't one of my peoples.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I don't like hospitals either. The constant reminder of bacteria, sickness, and death, sickens me. Not to mention how high hospital care costs are with or without insurance.

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