Is it normal that i hate lgbt culture?
I personally support homosexuality. However, I don't support this cringeworthy culture surrounding it nowadays, because I just find it all so incredibly dumb and awkward.
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I personally support homosexuality. However, I don't support this cringeworthy culture surrounding it nowadays, because I just find it all so incredibly dumb and awkward.
There should be a new word for people who has their entire personality around their sexuality. I met a few people where all they ever talk about is the LGBT.
The LGBT people who aren't like that and are normal otherwise, are good in my books.
There's nothing wrong with expressing one's sexuality. The problem is when corporations use sexuality to pander to LGBT people in order to look like their all inclusive. When in reality it's juts a marketing tactic to virtue signal and shy away from the real issues of the LGBT community.
Whining. Lots of fucking chunky, sedentary white people whining. Everyone here is devoid of life experience outside Facebook so they enjoy getting frothed up and super angry about internet controversy that doesn't affect their lives in any way. Everyone likes being the victim, so they get incredibly offended by gay people trying to gay, by trans people going to the bathroom.ive seen more than a few "think of the children" posts. White straight men now see themselves as a victimized minority, and I wish I was joking.
You need to get these people to the siberia farm to sheer sheep turds off their floofy sheep bodies and shovel lamma turds and stuff. They need calluses on their soft, bitchlike internet hands so they can stop with the incessant fucking annoying complaining.
Coal cat's camp for wayward retards. Make them scrub horse butts.
Oh trust me, as a straight white man I understand the true horrors that we face as a group, haven’t found a pair of khaki shorts that hug the cheeks the way they should just yet. But honestly, I don’t know how so many of my “fellow” white dudes can whine the way they do and not feel an ounce of embarrassment, there’s no way they actually truly believe what they’re saying, right ??
I’ve been trying to get my labor camp- I mean volunteer program -up and running but there’s been a few hiccups with the local law, bleh ! Got a couple grouchy old geldings and mares that need their hoo-ha’s cleaned, gets to be a good elbow-deep job.
Look at this fucking shit right here. You're obviously part of the problem.
You're just gonna come up over here and drop some shit about castrated trans horses and privileged lady princess horses and ignore the plight of white stallions, like they aren't the real victims. I'm truly horrified.
If you can't make it happen there's always the annual dyatlov pass IIN hiking meetup trip...
And the gulag
Yanno bro, with all this viciously cool controversy, everyone wonders why Elon Musk wants to blast off into outer space. Well on behalf of his fellow rich 1%, he's sending a message to the lower 99 which is "Rich people are out of here, baby." (I'm not quite up in that crowd. But, as an earth-bound chameleon, I find the jungles of IIN to be treacherous and exciting. 👀
Just to add to that, there's so many black people whining and bitching that shit is racist when it really isn't. No Tyrone, you didn't get fired because you're black, you got fired because you show up late every Monday morning smelling like absolute ass and slacking on the job.
This is certainly not unique to white people.
Please do continue to make the gap in the divide between races bigger though.
This has to be bait. No way are you going to take over a year and a half of riots over "the black plight" or the decade of protests about "patriarchy" and be like, "Yo, it ya boi whitey that won't stfu".
Dont worry your head about it. As long as you're there in M.B.R you'll be fine.
"Oh stop, bigot! Theres no slippery slope!"
*Proceeds to throw money at child stripper because they're trans and have them twerk on pride marches next to half naked men."
Well ok, then.
So how big were the bills that you slipped to the child, and on a scale of "massive throbber" to "just drowned the entire parade in my semen," how aroused were you by this spectacle?
That's some fucked up mental imagery you conjured up there, pal. Hopefully you don't usually try to conjure such thoughts about children.
You're the one with the obsession regarding children's transitioning - I don't think you're in any position to tell other people that they have unhealthy thoughts about said group.
One event happens and apparently you can't support something anymore, because you caught a bad apple in the bunch.
One event? First of all they push this trans stuff on kids all the time. Not only this but in regards to the stripping element it's not that it happened to "one" kid it's that when that "one kid" was surrounded by those within the LGBT community NOT ONE fucking did something about it and they instead encouraged it.
So no, I dont support the LGBTQ community, they've proven the slippery slope is real. This does not mean that I believe the popular culture within the lgbt community represents all that may fall under the category of LGBTQ but I 100% believe mainstream lgbtq political culture is a gross fuckin mess.
I'd never heard of this, but Googling leads me to believe it happened in Brazil in 2015.
Apparently the video was very popular on sites which stive to feed the outrage-hunger of right-wing yahoos. I suspect that's the reason I've never come across it while others here have.
Google desmond is amazing. "She" performed at gay strip clubs and hung out with gay adults talking about doing drugs on camera in interviews. Was like a 9 year old or around that if I remember right. "She" had an army of queers defending her and was on the news quite a lot.
most cultures are just fuckin awful and stupid and people who take exaggerated stands within said cultures tend to do more for detractors than proponents
im callin lgbtq+ culture stupid becausea the fuckin reasons i just listed
cant you read?
Sounds more like a preconceptual stance rather than an empirical stance on a community that for the vast majority of it's lifespan have been oppressed. Your no different, to the people who show prejudices towards minority groups or people on the bottom of the patrioarchy.
To me, it sounds repetitive and being shoved down my throat constantly. I also live in a super large and super accepting city where the media is essentially preaching to the choir. I feel like the media is doing this for the people in the back (washed places where being gay is still seen as bad).
Then again reverse racism is a thing now (according to the mayor of Chicago)
Reverse racism isnt real. Racism can be practiced by every race.
The mayor being a person of color in the position of authority is showing reverse racism even by her own definition.
How do the pride parades do anything? Those have to bring the worst PR to the gay community. Pride isnt exactly the best thing and cranking something up to 11 is a good way to turn mild dislike to actual hatred.
I'm fine with gay people. Just hate the parades. Trans people, eh 3/10, fuck those drag queen library shows for children.
My dude... everyday is pride, not just pride month. I guess if it was a straight pride parade then it would be ok, huh?
Nobody wants a straight pride parade either. In my town someone was campaigning for a pride parade last year and everyone said no and they didn't want a straight pride parade either.
So no.
Who gives a fuck if someone holds a straight pride parade to essentially flip off a gay pride parade.
May I remind you that after the Charley Hebdo shooting texas promptly held a draw Muhammad contest. If theres enough people who are against something they'll turn up for a parade or rally. Nothing inherently wrong with sharing ideas. Especially when the pride parade is so flamboyant about it.
Holy shit man. I thought the term internalized white guilt or whatever was a made up thing. But listen to these people. If you're a straight white person you must hate yourself for the scum that you are apparently.
What the fuck? I thought I was a liberal before coming to this site. I'm starting to see why conservatives can't stand these folks.
Ironically some of the ones who have said "you people get worked up over instagram and twitter lgbt, that's not how it really is" are the same ones who are acting that exact way on here.
Yep I've never minded gays which has kinda put me on the liberal side in my area. But the culture the past few years especially is so cringe and aggrivating that I am sick of it and no I don't support it.
The 'everyone's-a-bigot' and 'everything-is-offensive' attitude has gotten out of hand.
I saw an article the other day that ironically said:
"Don't keep apologizing if you midgender someone. Doing so can make them feel uncomfortable and like they have to comfort you, which isn't their job."
No shit? That's how the forced interaction makes people feel in the first place. Like we have to comfort you on your gender or risk being labeled a bigot. Thats not our fucking job, either.
Why not just keep it to yourself. My gender is not a hot button issue for me and I don't feel the need to talk about it and get offended over it every conversation. Is that so much to ask?
I didnt have an opinion about trans issues until it was discovered I was medically intersex. Afterward through I started getting pissed the fuck off whenever some liberal preaches that the intersex community is somehow involved in the transgender movement since "we dont have a defined gender" I'm male with XXY that means i apparently arent a male. Which is infuriating because I am and people who are intersex are less likely to be trans than the normal population. Leading to my own conclusion that its fully a mental disorder rather than a physical affliction.
Trans rights arent real rights. The world is set up for 99% of the population. It's not bigotry to say that the 1% has to conform to the world of the 99%
Kinda hard when they're so " in your face " nowadays. You see them literally everywhere you look.
I know right!? Did you have a gay pride parade break into your house too??
It happens to me constantly. I'll just be minding my own business them bam...assless chaps right in my fucking face.
It's really like you can't just fuck off and mind your own business, op, can you? Like, you really should fuck off and mind your own business. I know that's what you want, to fuck off and mind your own business, but it's so so hard to fuck off and mind your own business with all the gays breaking into your house and telling your cats they should be gay.
Something should really be done about this huge problem.
That's an over Over-exaggeration given that in the US only 3.5% of the adult population identify as LGBTQ+.
I can't really say a lot. I suppose I'm part of the LGBT community or whatever they call themselves because I have a boyfriend; but I absolutely despise the culture. Everybody should love whoever they want to, but people are turning sexuality into an entire characteristic so I don't really know what to say to be honest. I think I'll just let this fire burn for a bit.
Don't worry, it's not the whole LGBTQ+ culture. It's only the uncivilized people who are really cringey.
Fortunately many LGBTQ+ people are now speaking against the people that ruin the pride parades with their dogmask shit and other stuff that not everybody wants to necessarily know.
I am much happier to be a friend to the people in my existence who identify as gay or bisexual or trans, than I am to be a friend to the movement.
Agreed, although it's mostly teens acting that way.
They make being gay their only personality trait and warps everything to be gay, like recently lesbians had an outrage on twitter because Anya Taylor Joy has a boyfriend now and according to them she "exudes lesbian energy" so now they bully her boyfriend and call him a beard. It's sort of like how teenage girls hate on their idols girlfriend out of jealousy and sure some adults sadly still have these immature behaviours but they're in a minority and probably have a lacking real life, i'd assume.
I find that most older gay people act that way ironically sometimes, sort of to make fun of the culture, while teenagers are that way seriously and all the time.
Yes, it’s no longer about equal rights and now just about shoving it down everyone else’s throats
And what agenda is the current equal rights going for right now?
Legally everyone has the same rights.
Tell that to the anti-transgender legislation 0f 2021. Thirty-three states have introduced more than 100 bills that aim to curb the rights of transgender people across the country. On April 6, Arkansas became the first state to outlaw providing gender-affirming treatment to minors, a move that the American Civil Liberties Union said would "send a terrible and heartbreaking message" to transgender youth across the country.
I, too, am disgusted by some people that associate with LGBT. It's fetishists, mostly. And having a fetish in this oversexualized, outright fucked up society isn't that difficult. People that don't even try to control them are welcomed into LGBT for whatever fucking reason, and their abnormal state of mind is encouraged there. And heterosexuality is discouraged. This all is really depressing. It's depressing how instead of battling mental illness, we encourage it.
"I believe in Jesus Christ and God" by those words alone I already now I can't take you seriously.