Is it normal that i hate making eye contact?

whenever i may have to make eye contact with someone, i often look at my phone, act as if i need to tie my shoes, look behind me even though there is nothing there, etc. anything to avoid looking the person in the eyes.

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 48 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • omar123

    me too because i find it a little annoying but i came up with an idea, don't look straight in the eye but in the space between the them, the person you'll looking at will think that you are looking at his eyes directly, problem solved ....

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  • theseeker

    I find it kind of awkward to make eye contact with someone 100% of the time. I don't usually have a problem with eye contact, but after a few minutes in a conversation I have to look away or something. I hate it how some people try to make eye contact the whole time like they're staring you down. Makes me feel a little uncomfortable

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I rarely make eye contact when I'm talking, if ever. Listening, sure, but even then I often -need- to glance away to understand what someone says (also happens if my thoughts go off in tangents) Having said that, it doesn't mean I lose staring challenges easily >:)

    Some people's faces/eyes are often too distracting to look at. Sometimes for aesthetic reasons but mostly because people's faces/eyes speak too! Not to mention it's so much easier for me to think/talk while I'm looking at nothingness.

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    • Short4Words


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  • tokillanally

    Looking someone in the eye means you're firm about what you say. If I was speaking to you then I'd think you're bland and a liar. Unless you live in an asian country, you need to work on this.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    In do this to a point, I have no problem with making eye contact but I overanalyze maintaining it, too much eye contact is seen as creepy or aggressive while too little shows disinterest but quite often I'm in a situation where I'm speaking to someone face to face in a room for 20+ minutes and after a while I start to be conscious of my eye contact, but way too much, I start to think I'm maintaining too much eye contact but then I can't just stop and randomly stare at a wall for a bit or focus on another object in the room because it makes it out that I'm not interested so I'll look down and scratch my arm, tie laces etc as an excuse to look away so I'm not always looking right in their eye to avoid them thinking I'm being aggressive or weird.
    The whole thing makes me a little uncomfortable , I never even used to consider a thing like eye contact a year ago I don't really know what happened

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  • RoseIsabella

    Although people tend to be preoccupied with their phones a lot lately I wouldn't call your behavior normal. I think this is an issue that you should probably work on if you want to better yourself, relationships and life in general.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Nobody should be touching anybody elses eyes. That's just gross and terribly unhygienic.

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  • Royallaw28

    I've heard making eye contact creates trust

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  • Lacey101

    Well, at one point I avoided eye contact because I thought people could read my mind through the eyes, but that was a psychotic delusion of mine. Anyway, it's normal for eye contact to make you uncomfortable. Not normal if you're avoiding it for the same reason I did. Just saying.

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  • BlueAlice

    I find eye contact unnecessary, tiring and threatening. I only use it willingly when I'm at work (I serve customers in a shop), when I'm trying to hammer home a point or when I want to be threatening.

    I'm on the autistic spectrum, which is another factor. OP, may I ask whether you are too?

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  • omgcatz

    I tried to vote yes but I accidentally hit the "no" button. Sorry about that.

    I dislike prolonged eye contact, and I think it's a stupid social custom. It isn't required in many cultures, I don't know how it got so popular here in the west. It makes me feel awkward when people stare directly into my eyes during the ENTIRE conversation. I feel like screaming "omg do I have something in my teeth!?"

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  • 213

    Iwas like that 2years back , but now i enjoy looking to people straight in the eyes. You normal

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  • thegypsysailor

    I love looking people straight in the eyes. I admire those who can return your look without flinching.
    It's like a tiny, momentary connection with someone, which is becoming rarer by the day, as we insulate ourselves in our private spaces, only experiencing the world through a computer screen.

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