Is it normal that i have a concussion and parents won't let me rest

I got a concussion from hitting my head falling 15 days ago and my symptoms have been getting better at some points and worse at others. My parents won't let me stay home at all and every time I go out (or focus on anything for to long) my pain doubles to the point where I can barely think.

And the amount of pain increases every time I finally get home to the point I'm just sleeping throughout the days and night. Today I asked again if I could stay home but the request was denied. Today my face and head went completely numb towards the end of the day and I couldn't feel anything touching it for at least 45 minutes.

The recovery time from working for so long is getting longer and longer. I seriously can not go but I'm worried about what will happen to me if I don't follow orders. I honestly don't know what to do...

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Comments ( 14 )
  • charli.m

    How old are you? Have you seen a doctor?

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    • Telephrenzy

      I got my parents to take me to the doctor after school but my parents just complained about the money they'd have to pay. They kept telling me it was just a headache. The doctor came in the room for less than five minutes.

      I couldn't really explain what was happening because I have severe anxiety, I kept forgetting what happened, and my mom was in the room so I felt ashamed for getting hurt and making everyone waste their time.

      All I ended up saying was, " I've had a headache........". I got a 1 minute cat scan and they sent us on our way. My parents told me I was just focusing on it to much...
      I'm shit...

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      • charli.m

        What were the results of the ct scan? I find it difficult to believe that if it showed anything, a doctor would just send you away.

        Was this at a hospital?

        If you have continuing pain, take ieatzombies advice and take yourself to the ER. Head injuries can be extremely serious.

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        • Telephrenzy

          It was normal... I don't know why my head hurts to the point I can't think when ever I do anything for to long. This is awful. I have a concussion but it should be gone by now.

          I'm going to spend the weekend in bed. Maybe it will magically go away on its own. If not then fuck everything. I can't even do anything.

          I'm sorry about my language but I've been dealing with this awful pain for over a week with no stop and its wearing me down...

          I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll try not to be a downer. Maybe I'll try and get to a doctor again to try something else if not to find out then just to stop the pain if this doesn't go away.

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          • charli.m

            You're not bothering me. If you've been in intense pain this long, despite a cleatlr scan, perhaps there is something else wrong.

            I think you should go to the ER for a second opinion.

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  • anti-hero

    Concussions normally don't last that long, call Guinness.

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  • AriAri_ARMY

    I am also suffering from a concussion because of stairs, but i don't think my condition is as worse as yours. I don't think it is safe for you to be doing all the stuff you are doing. It takes a while for the brain to heal itself after getting shaken up like that. And with you moving around and focusing on stuff the energy in your body is concentrating on all the other stuff instead of healing itself. I am not saying resting will completely heal your concussion but it is helpful to rest and take it slow sometimes and let your body relax it is a bad idea to be doing all the stuff you are doing. If your face got numb then you need to rest and go see a doctor. I'm not looking down on your parents but they need to take your situation more seriously and stop making you do all this stuff that is clearly having a bad impact on your health

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  • Davidow26

    They probably don't want you to go brain dead for too deep of sleep.

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  • Arm0se

    You've been awake for 15 days!?!? WHAT THE FUCK!

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  • yu-gi-ohChampion25

    get your doctor to write you a note explaining your situation and how many days off you need.your parents will listen to the doctor probably.

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  • Memelord

    Yell at them

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    • yu-gi-ohChampion25

      that advice sucks. this is why your shit gets deleted, you dont care if he yells at them and his dad punches him and gets permanent brain damage since he's already hurt.

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      • charli.m

        Is that what happened to you?

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        • yu-gi-ohChampion25

          lol bad boi

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