Is it normal that i have a distaste for muslims and people who support them?

I live in a country where 10% of the population are now devout muslims
( thank you, crappy elected government ) and I feel nothing but hatred for these people. It's obvious to me that these people aren't willing to assimilate into our society, rather it feels like they're here to colonize us. They're constantly trying to shove their beliefs down our throats, they want US to adapt our society to them, not vice-versa, and the leftists here don't seem to see the problem with that AT ALL!! So yeah, muslims and the traitors who support the influx of them can go fuck themselves.

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56% Normal
Based on 27 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Somenormie

    Ones that I am fully against are the Shi'a Muslims and the fully extreme ones.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    They just surrendered like bitches. Talis took major cities without firing a shot. Its not like they didnt have the funding. No one there would fight. Either they played the US or they have absolutely no balls.
    Probably both.

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    • YE

      The sticky issue US has to face is safely evacuating all Afghan citizens who legitimately collaborated with them, and NATO as a whole, valid travel docs or not.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yeah change of plans huh. They couldnt even hold them off for a 3 days. Money well spent LOL

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        • I think the U.S should just nuke Afghanistan into oblivion now. I'd much rather there be a huge crater there than that shitty-ass country.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            If the taliban harbor other terror groups and attack the US the US should just bomb the hell out of them all over since they gave our equipment to the taliban without fighting. The friendly angle doesnt work with them.

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    • Yeah. That shit reduced my respect for them even lower.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Bidens dumbass tripled the number of them we take now

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Muslim men can be infuriating. Don't listen for a damn unless a man tells them. Like dude I outrank you here so let me help you

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  • Jem_Shadow

    Right wingers kill poor and disabled people. Have you got a problem with that?

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  • idolomantis

    I’m not big on politics or world news personally, so I’m not well-versed in this issue. I just wanted to point out that Muslims are not one singular person; meaning you can’t clump them all under one umbrella. Just like with every other group of people, each individual Muslim is an entirely unique individual.

    Some(I’m sure a lot, I’ll keep it real) follow their beliefs to a T, be it good or bad. But many of them are also little kids and teenagers who have their whole lives ahead of them! Some of them are probably even bold enough to disagree with the beliefs they were taught, even idealistic enough to want to escape from them some day, maybe even make a difference somehow. Surely no one can actually hate these people too.

    My point is just to try to keep hatred at bay and look at the big picture. Seeing things entirely in black and white leads to more harm than good. It’s ok to have your views on this, just try not to be prejudiced against an -entire- group of people. I think that this leads to more pain for everyone in the long run.

    With that being said, I don’t know the whole story or how bad things truly are. I’m just against prejudice and I wish people wouldn’t paint each other in such broad strokes. I’m no politician obviously, so I don’t really have any solutions to this issue. I just wanted to put my two cents out there and remind anyone who is reading this to avoid over-generalizations when referring to others. I’ve known truly kind Muslim people for example, and saying things to the effect of “I hate all Muslims!!” can have unintentional consequences for people like this in the form of prejudice. Just my two cents, anybody who happened to read this I hope you stay safe and take care.

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  • I dont mind them personally. My longest lasting internet friend on around 10 years is a muslim and very accepting of other religions and people. I know of muslims around here who are too. But I wouldn't date one, that's where I draw the line. Many of them have little respect for women. It only takes one look at how my countrys crime against women statistics have risen since we started taking in so many muslim men here to see that.

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  • randypete

    I hate Muslims every where they are there is trouble are they thick to think you can sit on the outside of a jet plain and survive

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  • fatok

    fuck em

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  • cumlordvegeta


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  • Sanara

    I dont hate all muslims on a personal level, but I understand it with some of the things muslims do (either with islam as a motif, or it's much more common in islamic societies and countries), such as terrorism, extreme women oppression, genital mutilation, killing people for being gay, honor killing in general etc. Those are all things we should fight against.

    But I also think there are many muslims that do not personally support those things. And I think maybe islam is only really dangerous and cruel when its combined with war (including people who have lived in it, but not saying all turn bad), as it may ruin peoples natural compassion, lower the tolerance for violence and create hatred. In a few generations (without constantly getting new people in) maybe things would improve, at least I hope so.

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    • Jem_Shadow

      Christians still support legal discriminations against gay people. And the only response people have to that is "Islam is worse!" Bigotry is bigotry.

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      • Sanara

        I agree that is bad, but at least they dont want to actually murder them. One is still worse than the other.

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  • Keep distance from them and kick them out.

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