Is it normal that i have a madonna album next to...?

Is it normal that I have a Madonna album (Ray of Light) next to Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Rammstein, U2, Radiohead, and so forth? I mean I don't care about Madonna, but I accidentally listened to that album 4 years ago when I stumbled on the LP in the basement of my house and still can't get over it. I listen to it in secret. My mates don't know. I even bought it on iTunes. The songs on that album smells so nice in my ear. They are so timeless and outstanding. Should I come out to my friend that I listened to a whole Madonna album? Will my dad still accept me? I'm 18 btw.

It's normal. 10
OP is an abomination to all mankind. 1
That album was good though! 1
OP is a fag. 4
You're still a teen, it's just a phase. 2
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Comments ( 4 )
  • TheChildMolester

    Madonna Like a VIRGEN bad ass song and recorded very well. I listen to Whitney Houston around my friends and it gets awkward but I don't give a fuck on general principal. She has a beautiful voice and that's why I like it. OP don't give a fuck be secure with yourself, BITCH.

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  • bucho's_butt

    Yeah when I was in high school I liked Madonna and Kylie Minogue and all this other stuff that I thought my friends would make fun of me for. I was really insecure about music and would cringe when people would ask me about my preferences. I did end up coming out to my buddies when I was about 18 and they didn't even care. Listening to that kind of music doesn't make you gay and anyone who thinks so is a total moron that you shouldn't be hanging out with anyway. I'd tell your friends about what you like and make sure to be confident about it. They might make fun a little bit but it's not like they're going to disown you.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Listen to whatever you like. In fact, listening to Madonna makes you a real punk who doesen't give a sh*t about what others think of him. You're way more Rock'n'Roll than all your friends.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Great, now I'm going to agree with a child molester, but OP you do you

    Like the music you like and it aint no thing but s chicken wing

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