Is it normal that i have been dreaming about my worst worries and fears?

Recently I have been dreaming about many of my worries and fears and it has been affecting me quite a bit. My sleep became very shallow and it also affect my performance in my daily tasks as I constantly felt tired and irritable. I also tend to feel depressed and overly anxious in social situations or often as I might suddenly recall the dreams or the real issues against my will. is it normal and how can I prevent this from happening?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 17 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • CanadianCowboy

    There's a reason they say "it will haunt your dreams", so I believe this is normal. And this happens to me sometimes, maybe once or twice a week.

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    • I suppose haha. But mine is daily /:

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      • CanadianCowboy

        Oh. Sorry.

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        • It's ok but what do you have to be sorry about in the first place?

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  • pixie_dust

    I can offer something that really helped me alot. I learned on the spirit science you tube channel about how you can put color crystals according to the colors of your chakras between your mattress and box spring. your chakras start at purple for your pineal gland, and go to blue, green, yellow and red. do a google image search of chakras and you can have a visual. get crystals with those colors, they are actually not very expensive, just go to a metaphysical store, or "hippie" type store with these rocks and crystals and find one of each chakra color and put them under your mattress. it did wonders for my sleep. it really did.

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    • Thanks. I will try it out c:

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  • k10101010101010101010

    why is this post on here 4 times?

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    • Sorry my iPad was glitching. I didn't know I posted 4 times. I'll go delete the rest. Sorry about that.

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