Is it normal that i have had a relligious experience but be an atheist??

when I was 13 I'm conviced I saw an angel on the top of my village church and I cryed out to every one but nobody else saw it.
I'm an atheist now I definetly saw something but now I just thinck is was a hallucination or something.
every body was verry surprized when they found out I didn't beleve in any god because they allwas thought I would be the most relligious person because of my "sighting"
atheists and theists do you think this is normal??

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61% Normal
Based on 38 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • chubbybunny

    Of course they thought that you'd be the most religious one. However, satan knows how strong he has to fight to keep you from believing in God. The fact that it's still in your memory from all these years, God is still calling you. And yes, it is normal for you to have a religious experience even if you claim to be an atheist. The strongest and most influential religious leaders have been those who refused to not believe in God at all. Think about it. Blessings! =)

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    • theaverageatheist

      satan dosen't exist.
      I'm going to take your comment as offensive see as you have just clamed, that the impersonification of evil has it's controll over me, thank you sir.
      Darwin bless you^^^

      (ps. I never quote Dawkins because he is a prick)

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      • chubbybunny

        haha ummm...your comment is a bit hypocritical no? Even Darwin could not deny the existence of an intelligent designer.. However, my apologies for any offense.

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        • theaverageatheist

          I say Darwin because I'm a fan,(and hopind to bug you so you see how It feel when some one says god bless to me) you are wright he was a christian and evolution does not explain how life came to being, but the diversaty of life, for evotution can only happen in the presenze of DNA.
          Abiogenesis is what explains that but thats another science again and is very complex.
          but the again you seem think that god started it...
          I supose people prefer simplicity, not me I love to think that there are things I still have to study :D
          any whay it's good to se someone who knows that the father of evolution was a theist.

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          • chubbybunny

            Definitely. Oh man I've been on both sides of the spectrum when it comes to my opinions on theology and non-theology. Haha. The study of genetics is super complex. I touched the topic only for a little bit while I took microbiology (my favorite class). It is complex, but still very fascinating! =D However I will say, as a person who does believe in a Creator, I am quite envious that you had such an experience at a young age. Heck, I wish I had seen an angel in my life! Wow, how amazing is that!

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            • theaverageatheist

              You studyed microb.?? hahaha me to! mostly I do animal behaviour now.

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    • 800imawesome

      Mhm. If that's true, then God isn't omnipotent, so he isn't God. If Satan were able to overpower God, then Satan is the true creator and God.

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  • prasatko

    Do not worry, it is normal, even atheists can have or might have had a hallucination. It just shows your intelligence that your hallucination did not mislead you into believing in non-sense.

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  • Sweetbird

    religious experiences can be related to brain states, weather they come about by meditation, brain chemistry, drugs, mental illness, or just accident. or maybe they come from a God, either way, I think they can be just as valid, have the same effect, and seem just as real while having them. and many people consider them real no matter how they come about

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  • Riddler

    You were given proof which you believe was evidence and you don't believe? Well clearly you're in denial. Lots of people are in denial. Its a defense mechanism.

    Also by saying you are in denial its not really dependent on if god is real or not. However you saw something you believed to be evidence of god and say "yeah but I know god is a lie" is proof that you're in Denial.

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    • Riddler

      Her is a list if you would like to read them all.

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  • Daisydo

    NDE + hallucinations = not hallucinations. Open up :)

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  • Daisydo

    God doesn't believe in atheist

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    • theaverageatheist

      god's not there

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      • Daisydo

        God is omni present :)

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        • theaverageatheist

          prove it

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  • BlueAlice

    A few years ago, I went to church with my boyfriend and his family and there was... SOMETHING .... that made me end up sinking to the floor and just sitting there, shut down. Although I was incapable of movement, my mind was screaming "GIVE ME MY CONSCIENCE (may have meant consciousness) BACK. YOU DON'T NEED, I DO.". Then the mum of one of my boyfriend's mates prayed over me and I got up again.
    I wish I could go into more detail in words, but I can't. However, a movie of that experience played in front of my eyes as I was thinking about it.

    Some people call that an experience of God moving in you, but I call it being possessed. No truly loving deity would feel a need to "possess" people, I feel.

    In April 2008 (maybe 2009) I went on a girl's retreat and started wandering up and down the room, jabbeirng away in tongues I knew I could already speak (French and Japanese), but much more smoothly than I normally can. It was only phrases I already knew, but even so.
    Some fo the women supervising the retreat were proud of me.
    In church the week after the retreat, I felt an urge to do the same thing and and my boyfriend was proud of me.

    Why do Christians like this behaviour, what is it in scientific terms and how do I know what's extremeism and what isn't?

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    • theaverageatheist

      it has been observed scientificly, many people when they so strongly belive something or enter a powerfull trance that they can access certant parts of their brain, tanking in tounges or speaking a certant language they don't know is tipical. we had a hipnotist at a party once and he made my grandmother speak perfect yiddish and beleve she had been a nurce in a army camp during WW2.

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      • Daisydo

        Scientifically everything you eat, drink or breath is contaminated. Free will and for the love of money.

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        • theaverageatheist

          sorry but where does the love of money come in this?

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  • humbugmarmalade

    Lol, that's weird, are you sure it was an angel?

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    • theaverageatheist

      I still remember it, it wasn't as tall as a adult (child angel??)big grey-white wings and dark blonde hair. wharing a blue\white tunik or dress. i couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl and couldn't see it's face was flying above the church.

      I did have (still doo) a very strong immagination.
      but like I said it could have been just a hallucination or something else, I have reserced it a bitt, and have found that comparativly normal people have sudden hallucinations or visions.
      it's a bit strange because even at that age i didn't realy beleve in god. usualy people who think they see things is because they strongly beleve in them.

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      • humbugmarmalade

        *wearing *do *imagination *researched *bit *really *usually

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        • theaverageatheist

          thank you

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      • chubbybunny

        The description of the angel sounds so pretty! ^__^.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Personally, I can agree with you. When I was 4, I woke up in the morning to a little St Christopher pendant at the side of me. No one in the household ever saw it before. It's so crazy.
    At 18, I consider myself atheist, or maybe agnostic. The thing is, I never think about God, afterlife, the world etc. so I never put a label on myself. I would rather entertain myself with cheerier things than sit there and ponder the God situation. But overall, I highly doubt I will ever be religious.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I once had a "NDE". It happened many years ago when I was a child and at the time I considered myself to be a Christian. It was strange... Now, I'm no longer a Christian. When I look back on it I think it was either: a intense hallucination due to a mental illness or I was "beamed up" to a mothership. I Seriously doubt what I had was a OBE.

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