Is it normal that i have the bad habit of smiling when tellling a sad story?
When I tell a really sad or gruesome story I smile while saying it. Does anyone else do this? Is this normal?
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When I tell a really sad or gruesome story I smile while saying it. Does anyone else do this? Is this normal?
Ahhh I do this too! Especially when I'm expressing negative emotions (which I am very uncomfortable with). I can feel myself with this big dumb smile, and I'm thinking, "maybe I should say aloud that this smile does NOT mean that I'm happy." Lol
I do this. For me, I think I'm trying to prevent discomfort to the person I'm telling the story to. It is also my "brave face" so others can't see my pain.
Well normal for me. But then I do not feel emotions so I tend to have to be careful and try and match my response to what would seem normal. I occasionally get it wrong.... I think the shrinks call it inappropriate response or some such BS..
Honestly, I don't know. But I do that too & hate it. Sometimes when people tell me sad stories, (ex. "My dog died") I start laughing and can't control it; it makes me feel really bad.
Funny thing is, when my ex broke up with me she was smiling. Looking back it was obviously a smile of discontent. At the time I didn't understand, I even asked her about it on the phone and she told me.
I always laugh or smile at the wrong times and rarely smile at the "right" times. It's normal.
Very, when i got hit by a car while riding my bike everytime i had to recount the story i'd have a laughing fit while desrcibing being pulled out from under her car. My laughs made many think i was crazy or lying, i assure you im neither
I do this and always have! It's not a smile of true happiness or enjoyment, but I can't help it at all. So inconvenient:(