Is it normal that i have the skill to draw many things, but not be creative?

There's a lot I can draw. I mean my drawings aren't incredible or anything, but I'm really not that bad either. However, I cannot create anything. I have ideas in my mind, but I cannot seem to put them on paper. I have most of the skill, but for some reason I can't do it. I can only draw something I can physically see in front of me. Why is that? And how do I overcome it?

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91% Normal
Based on 32 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Ellenna

    Drawing classes could help you find your creativity

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  • Normal. The vast majority of artists learned how to draw reality before they learned how to draw their imaginations. Read Andrew Loomis if you haven't already.

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    • Okay thanks. I'm actually not too familiar with him, so this should be interesting. :)

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  • Shackleford96

    I've always been this way too. I think that some people just don't have it in them. I'm not really sure why.

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  • Crow

    If you can draw most things that are in front of you but can't draw from imagination, you're likely better at copying rather than composition. Art is just another subject. Study and practice if you want to learn.

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  • chipsahoyhoy

    Yo I have the same problem, but it's not the end of the world. It just means you probably can't get jobs like designers. Instead, maybe something like an architecture. It's normal.

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    • It's not about wanting a job in art or making money off of it. It's just frustrating because I WANT to be more creative. I want to be able to make something of my own....

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  • Murun

    Normal.. Different people are good at different things.

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  • RazzberryTea

    That's completely normal,Everybody's different. What exactly are you trying to draw from your imagination? Is it something you've seen and drawn before or something completely knew like some type of creature never before seen?
    cuz if it's the latter maybe you should try baby steps? Like if you've drawn an apple a million times, try drawing one without a reference? Or maybe you could get like a banana and try to draw it differently than how it is in front of you? like if the shadow is being casted to the left try drawing it with the shadow being casted to the right? Heh,I hope maybe this helps,I'm just throwing out idea you can try.

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    • Actually, this makes a lot of sense. Never thought of that. I will definitely try this. Thank you :)

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  • Curious-trans

    I cant even draw a decent stick figure guy

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  • KaviTavi

    It's normal. Have you tried sculpture? I find it waaay easier to do sculptures from my imagination.

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  • xfg19

    I'm the same, I can only fuck dead things in front of me. When my eyes close, my dick goes soft.

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