Is it normal that i have to tap my hands equally?

Basically, when i tap something with my right hand, I have to do it with my left as well. After that, I have to reverse it, so tap left first then right. Then I reverse THAT and it ends up being LRRL. Then reversr that and it's LRRLRLLR. Then I keep going until I get lost within the pattern. I've been doing this since I was about for, and I think it's because I had a fear of one of my arms being bigger than the other. IIN?

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62% Normal
Based on 39 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • obsessive compulsive disorder. its fine alot of people have it. i do

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  • emilydoll


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  • theanonymous

    Yes it is normal, it's called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ie: ocd. A lot of people deal with it, some cases are more severe than others. When I was young I used to have to drink a certain number of drinks, or if I walked around something, I would have to walk back around the other way, or like you, if I hit my hand or leg or something somewhere, I would have to do it to the other one also. Mine has mostly gone away with time, however it's different with everyone, but yes, it's fairly normal.

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  • candle8

    I have the saaame! It was alot stronger in my childhood... and not only with my hands, but with almost everything! I remember once going crazy because the board at school was half clean and half written...

    I'm sure it's not normal though...

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