Is it normal that i hold my breath whenever someone near me sneezes or coughs?

Whenever someone sneezes or coughs near me, whether it's my friends or on the bus or whatever, I automatically turn away or stop breathing, as if I was afraid that I might breathe in their germs.. Am I the only one who does this?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Shackleford96

    Well, it's not like you want to immediately run over to them and inhale deeply now is it? Especially if you've ever seen a video of how much germs go into the air when somebody sneezes. Ugh...

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  • Jessica3005

    So noramal because if you breath in their germs you can get sick and it has bacteria I do this to .......……………………………it's #1 fact .… sneezes stay in the air for about 15-30 minutes

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  • WeirdoFromEarth

    Lol, I don't do that, but that seems understandable, I mean, I've gotten sick most times by people around me coughing and sneezing so I will probably start doing the same

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  • Xena

    I do this! But I don't have a spleen and a poor immune system so I get sick easily.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I do the same thing that or I panic.

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  • MONK!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Yeah I do it too, but it probably doesn't help much.

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  • BurnaBaby27

    I hold my breath too. The person could be across the room. I don't even think about it. It's like my breathing automatically stops and when I remind myself to breathe, I think to myself, "oh, someone must've just sneezed".

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