Is it normal that i horribly scared of cluster of small dots,even polka dots?

When I see a cluster of small dots even small polka dots, I get at least goosebumps with feeling of fear and need to pet my own back. (To calm myself down) or worst, I would cry so hard. (that's so embarrassing that I have to lock myself alone). And my friends don't believe me and keep making fun of me by making small dots on papers. (Even on my calculator) or giving me shirts and bags with polka dots and keep asking me to stop making things up. So I do want to know is it normal for people to scared of dots or small holes or objects that looks like dots?

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28% Normal
Based on 76 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Sooty


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  • MeOhMyra

    It's completely normal. It's called Trypophobia. I'd be careful about looking it up on the internet as, due to the internet being full of lies and people obscuring the original meaning of things, it instead comes up with pictures of people with loads of holes in their arms and legs and it looks horrible.

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  • KaffeInjection

    It also freaks me out, but not as bad as you i think..

    Idk but if the dots are very small and close to eachother it fucks me up.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      I believe those dots you are seeing are your gentleman friends sperm in your eyes.

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      • KaffeInjection

        Sure sounds good, can i have a tasty chicken menu with that?

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        • NotStrangeBird

          You'll have whatever your mommy is serving and will like it OR ELSE!!!

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  • dirtybirdy

    Never get a job with the D.O.T. then.

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    • KaffeInjection

      Ha-Ha how funny... Get a sense of humor slutcunt.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Oui, mon OP!

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