Is it normal that i just discovered the 4th dimension?
For some reason, I have never thought clearly about more than 3 spatial dimensions, despite been faintly familiar with many physics theories such as string and relativity theories/laws.
Now I feel like >3 dimensions provides a major opportunity to reconcile spirituality and science, since it can explain, instant creation of earth and humans, animals (by ferrying them from another spatial or temporal dimension), God ( a 4+ dimensional being), miracles (normal events in 4+ dimensions), ghosts, angels, e.t.c
The 4th dimension even provides for existence of heaven and hell within our time and space.
Either way, am still irreligious (because i don't think it is fair and just for any being to want to be worshiped, irrespective of how many dimensions it can exist in) but I feel very stupid because some of the reasons i used to refute the bible/koran/e.t.c actually have scientifically consistent explanations.