Is it normal that i just don't find videogames fun anymore?

I used to LOVE playing videogames as a kid, it was the best thing I knew. But for some reason, I started getting bored of it around the time the PS4-Xbox One rolled around. I still play videogames sometimes, but mostly the shit I grew-up with, since I find the games from back then to be more "fun" somehow. Is it just me who is getting older, or are the games being made nowadays just not the same?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Holzman_67

    A great director once said “the enemy of art is the absence of limitations” and I think this can be said about game development, less is often more, atm it’s just more ontop of more

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  • RoseIsabella

    What's the big deal? Some people have literally NEVER been into video games.

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  • Meowypowers

    Maybe the games represent a time in your life that you are reminiscing about. And the game itself isn't fun because of that?

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  • Yaidin

    Try some different genres and stay wary of corporate, addicting shit games. There are plenty of good games once you learn how to sort out the shit ones. Some can hold really deep meanings and stories, or can actually be a real challenge for the mind and soul. But there are also a ton of shit games that only aim for you to waste hours a day on their stupid game.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Its another form of art. It is normal to prefer certain games in a time;and not later games and time.

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  • Anonnet

    All this anti-gaming stuff in the Gaming section, geez.

    Yeah, this is normal. It doesn't happen to everyone, though. I have friends and family members that over time stopped completely (sans Solitaire or whatever) or only play singular, specific games (MMOs mostly). There's still some that play on the regular, but despite all the old-school "games are bad for you" stuff in this thread, you couldn't tell them apart from the others.

    I want to join in on the other part of the discussion about games these days just being dumbed down, but I don't know...

    I think there's a magic to video games that only really hits you when you HAVEN'T already been playing them for years. I don't think I'll ever love playing games as much as I did when I was little, and it's not because the games are worse, it's just because I'm not little anymore. I still love to play video games, but I tend to take a more clinical approach to them these days, like someone who's watched too many movies. You see all those patterns and influences and flaws that you would have missed otherwise, and it gets in the way of really enjoying the game.

    Basically, I remember the first time I pushed a button and the little character on-screen moved and I was flabbergasted. For a game to recapture that feeling takes something truly special now, and that kind of thing only comes around every once in a blue moon.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Looking at the physiques of video game ppl should scare you away from playing them. You spend so much time on them because theyre addictive. Next thing you know your shoulder muscle rots away and you start to look weird and jerk off to anime.

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    • notmyrealname123

      videogames got nothing to do with anime they just both come from a lack of social life

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Its the most wasteful thing you can do with your time

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  • bigbudchonger

    You're getting older, man. It's a good habbit to drop tbh; hopefully I'll join you one day

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  • Most videogames are indeed boring, but I think the proportion of boring ones are bigger than it used to be.

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  • Clunk42

    Games have certainly changed over time. Just look at any video game series and you can see that. Compare Final Fantasy 1 to the newest Final Fantasy, for example. Compare the older Elder Scrolls with modern Elder Scrolls. Even the "retro" stuff is actually still quite modern, oftentimes with people thinking "retro" to mean nothing more than "hard".

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    • I was thinking mostly of games made 15-20 years ago. They're still pretty modern, but just better somehow. Think of Morrowind.

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      • Clunk42

        I think it has, in large part, to do with graphics. Back then, you couldn't spend as much time on graphics. Nowadays, everything has to have perfect lighting and high-detail models. It might also have to do with pandering to the lowest common denominator. Most of the really good games nowadays seem to be more of passion projects, while the large companies tend to make garbage half the time, pushing out whatever, so long as it's 'pretty'. Except for Pokemon; they don't even care about the 'pretty' part anymore.

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  • vigorousjammer

    This is normal, I definitely felt the same way.

    I recall starting to become bored of games when I reached my 20s. This would have been around 2008-2010.
    I was first introduced to games on an NES playing Super Mario Bros. and the like, played a bit of classic Atari and C64 games as well as the SNES... but quickly became a big SEGA kid. Played a lot of Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast throughout elementary and middle school, and after the Dreamcast's untimely demise I got an Xbox since it had Shenmue II, a new Jet Set Radio game, and a similar looking controller.

    I liked the first Xbox, so when the Xbox 360 first rolled around, I got one and was also into it, but soon it became a bit rote... by 2010, companies just kept pushing out sequel after sequel, games all seemed to use Unreal Engine, making them feel even more similar to each other, and video games just didn't feel as magical as they used to.

    I'm not sure if it's the games themselves, though.
    It's easy to feel like the games aren't as good as they used to be, and in some cases that may be true...
    But part of it may also simply be nostalgia. Trying to recapture that joy I felt as a kid, and failing to do-so.

    In the end, I still play video games nowadays, but I'm much more selective. Often times I'll go for something with more of a retro feel or something which is a straight-up remaster or re-release of an old game.
    While it's easy to look at what's popular nowadays and say "gaming isn't like it used to be", it's also worth noting that the breadth of choices for gamers nowadays, and the availability of different styles of games is so incredibly vast that I truly think there's never been a better time to be playing video games.

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    • The original Xbox was amazing. Still have mine.

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  • kikilizzo

    Yeah it is, and what an expensive hobby it is for so little reward...
    A gaming computer costs a fucking fortune and most games these days need high end stuff to run smoothly. The new games arent the same either imo. Better graphics thats it. There's a certain charm to the old games though that the new ones cant replicate.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I find myself focusing on one or two games at a time. I don't really get the point of buying tons of games. I just find one game that I really like each year and stick to that.

    Until Overwatch 2 came around, I was spending loads of my freetime either writing or playing Overwatch. The second game is full of mobile game microtransaction garbage though.

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