Is it normal that i knew i was bi when i was a kiddo?

This was back in the 90's before all the woke stuff. I used to have crushes on both genders in my classes, male and female cartoon characters, and male and female celebrities. I knew they were crushes but didn't know the word bisexual existed until high school. In high school it was male and female wrestlers and male and female manga characters. These days despite having my boyfriend I do get crushes on male and female game characters. He does too, so it works out I suppose.

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69% Normal
Based on 13 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • ibrokemyds

    Same here - I think I was around 6 or 7 when I knew I liked girls but obviously around that age I didn’t even know that being gay was a thing. I was 10 when I found out about different sexualities (2000s baby with unrestricted internet access) and suddenly everything ‘clicked’ and I realised I was a lesbian.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    It’s normal to have crushes in childhood, I have a bi friend who told me how she would watch the live action Peter Pan as a child and fancied Peter and Tinkerbell.

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    • I remember watching the little mermaid and fancied both Eric and Ariel.

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  • davidzztop

    Always knew that I was attracted to both male and females. It is not something I gave any thought too. It was always there. I never had any negative feelings about it. When I was seven I asked this girl called Angela to marry me. At that age there are not any sexual thoughts, but I liked her cause she was pretty. I was attracted to her. I had my first boyfriend at 14 and it’s easy to scoff, but I loved him.

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  • Anonnet

    Pretty much. Everyone has crushes when they're kids. It's just that the "sexual" part of the word "bisexual" isn't there at that age.

    I'm pretty sure most people figure it out that way. The water just gets muddied by all the stories of people somehow not figuring it out until they were 50. You don't have to come out the closet, I don't care, but if you're telling me you had to get married before you realized women weren't right for you, I think you're more than a little sus...

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    • Yeah I think that's a little sus too.

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  • Tinybird

    It is not normal to have crushes in childhood because children are not sexual beings and anyone who disagrees is a p word

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    • I had crushes during my childhood. Many people do. It doesn't make a child a peedo for crushing on classmates and fictional characters. The question was about my like of both genders, not about the p word.

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      • Tinybird

        yeah it does if it's not ok for me to like a kid then it's not ok for a kid to like another kid.

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        • The topic is about me liking both genders and whether it's normal. It's not about you and your crush on pre pubescent boys. Please post about that elsewhere. Peedophila is against the websites rules.

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          • Tinybird

            Where do you suggest I post it then? Hypocrite.

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