Is it normal that i like it when cat's claws dig into my skin?

Just now I was playing with my kitty. He started pawing at my hair. While he was doing that, he dug his claws into my knees. It felt kinda weird, but in a good way. I was actually enjoying it so I let him keep on until he was ready to jump off of my lap. With his claws digging into my knee, I started having this ticklish feeling in my knee. On top of that, that good sensation also spread until I was feeling it down there. If it helps at all, I'm a female. Regardless, I have no idea how a simple play sesh turned into a pleasure fest, especially if the pussy was nowhere near my pussy.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • Nickvey

    sounds like a hymen tearing good time. this woman i know told me she likes anal for the burn,

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