Is it normal that i like it when my rats kill animals?

I have a pack of four rats, and I love them to bits. I remember one day I let them play outside in a run I made out of cereal boxes. I heard odd noises coming from the sheltered part of the run and found the four rats tearing apart a mouse. I enjoyed the sight.

Ever since then, I regularly have my rats hunt pigeons, mice or any other critter I can get hold of. I just love seeing the rats working as a team, and sharing the bloody chunks of flesh among themselves.

Is this normal? Do people ever feed their rats live prey for this reason?

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 60 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Shackleford96

    As a child, I sometimes liked to feed barn spiders. It was always so cool to watch them spin up grasshoppers and other insects in their web.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Its a little... different.

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    • ThePurplePanda

      You don't say.

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      • mysistersshadow

        Yea I did.

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  • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#1G

    I do the same thing it's quite fascinating but unfortunately I have a very tame breed (dumbo) and it's not closely as fierce as the hooded or rex

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