Is it normal that i like singing and i think i sing pretty well but nobody does

I started singing ever since I was like idk 5 years old and I sang and sang but no one ever complimented me. I posted videos on YouTube and got like 1k hits (I KNOW RIGHT) but like no body that I know really says I sing well WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I don't know 7
Stop singing 4
Keep singing 20
Believe in yourself 23
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Comments ( 5 )
  • robbieforgotpw

    My mom says I'm a good singer
    I don't think she'd lie
    *dumps himself royally

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  • college

    Perform for them and ask them what they think of your voice.

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  • Shackleford96

    Post the link here, we won't lie to you. You're either really good, or you're really terrible. Are you ready to face either of those two realities?

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      That really good / really terrible thing seems to be the logic of all casting shows.
      One guy sings fine but not so well - He's the worst piece of shit singer in the world. Next guy comes in, sings slightly better - He's the greatest thing to ever happen to music.
      But the truth is: Some people just sing okay.

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  • notaweirdo

    Haha I am like that too, when I was around 5/6 years old my uncle gave me his old computer with like 3 games on it, and one of them was bejewels (or something like that, kind of like candy crush) I was so obsessed with it I knew every single background music and started singing random words to them in "English" because I thought it was cool I could speak English (the only word I knew back then was 'milk' by the way). And well yeah, I continued singing ACTUAL English songs but the only person that considered me 'good' was my mom.. and trust me, she lies all the time.

    My friends actually started finding my singing so annoying they hit me every single time I sung (or is it sang? I don't know, I'm not English or American okay?) Until they got lazy and just simply stopped and started singing with me so they don't have to hear my terrible voice.

    I think it's great you still have confidence though! Keep singing! Don't care about what they think, it's your life, you can do whatever you want (only if you're ready to face the consequences though).

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