Is it normal that i like the original xbox-controller?

You know, that huge-ass controller that launched with the original Xbox? It doesn't deserve all the hate and mocking it got, and still gets, IMO. I actually found that large-ass controller more comfortable to hold than the PS2 controller.

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89% Normal
Based on 9 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • my_death_my_way

    I'm a small woman so naturally my hands are small. Not a good fit for me.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Sega dreamcast had the coolest controllers out of all of them

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    • It was pretty cool. The only downside to that one is that it only had 1 joystick. All controllers were interesting during that generation, except the ps2 controller, that one was boring because it wasn't as "quirky" as it's competitors.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i cant do shit with a game controller

    im a mouse & keyboard kinda guy all my life

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    • Racing games suck on keyboards though.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


        i tried flight simulator on the keyboard and had to get a joystick

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I've always thought it looked cool, I never tried it though so I don't know if it was comfortable.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    HELL YEAH!! That controller ( and console ) was lit!

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  • Somenormie

    Yes, it's normal we all have different preferences in videogame consoles. I personally have never been a huge fan of the original XBOX's console design ( considering that I am more of a PlayStation dude than an XBOX dude. ), but the overall aesthetics seem to look kinda cool. Real talk I feel like playing Jet Set Radio Future now.

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  • Tommythecaty

    PlayStation was, and is, better in every way.

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    • Meatballsandwich


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      • Tommythecaty

        Not wrong!!!!!!

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        • Meatballsandwich

          Yes you are. It's an objective fact that the Xbox had a superior online experience to the PS2 back in the day, and so did the 360 to the PS3. The hardware was also clearly superior in every measureable way, and it's not even a comparison. As OP said, every game looked and ran better on it, so that was the console you wanted for the multiplatformers back in the day, and multiplatformers were the majority of all games at the time.

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    • PS2 Hardware was far weaker though, meaning multiplats always looked and ran better on the Xbox. If the same game was on both the PS2 and the Xbox, I always bought the Xbox version instead. Also, online was miles ahead on the Xbox, no comparison there. The Xbox had 4 controller ports instead of just 2, and a built-in hard drive. I could go on and on about the disadvantages and advantages of both of these fantastic consoles. But no, the PS2 is not better in every single way. Sure, it had more exclusive games, backwards compatibility, and it's DVD player didn't require a damn remote to function, I'll give it that. But in every other way, the Xbox is the clear winner in this match-up. Overall, I like both my PS2 and my equally. They serve different purposes.

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