Is it normal that i'm a antinatalist?

Regarding birth and people procreating, most people are delighted and welcome the new human with either figurative or literal open arms and congratulate the couple on the new child. I however, am a Antinatalist. That means I'm completely against the new additions of humans. I'm a antinatalist because I believe it's wrong to have a baby.
My reasons for this are:

1) Suffering & Inevitable Death. Even though one may experience MUCH happiness and fulfillment, the inevitably and randomized amount of suffering overrule any and all moments of Life being "Worthwhile". That and you're exposing every born child to eventual death.

2) Forced Existance. You're forcing life onto someone who can't make any saying in the matter and intentionally or not, making the child have a sense of "Gratitude" and "Respect" towards his/her parents for giving him/her life when no child should be under any obligation.

3) Overpopulation & The Unloved, Forgotten Ones. This small planet has a whomping 7 Billion (and hugely increasing every year). In the year of 2024, the world population will reach 8 Billion, in the year of 2040 there's gonna be 9 Billion, and by 2062, there will be 10 Billion humans. Putting the world population aside, there's millions of children across the globe (in Foster Homes and Orhanages) that are already here in need of forever families. These kids are already undergoing so much suffering as well as being chosen over by biological kids and being forgotten only to age out of the homes/orphanages they reside in. I personally believe that if Mankind is to ever drastically reduce the amount of suffering in this world, we must open our hearts, seek sterilization, and adopt those in need.

4) Overconsumption & Resource Depletion. Alot of people say that along with Overpopulation, overconsumption is also true. In order to make the world a better place, people in 1st-World countries must learn to only take what they need (Yes, that means me as well) and give to those who are much less fortunate. If everyone works together, we can reduce the amount of starving, ill people and regulate our numbers to prevent these tragedies to ever happen again or atleast bring them to minimals.

5) There's No Selfless or Rational Reason To Have A Child. Every reason for having a baby goes like this:
"I want a baby that resembles me and my spouse!"
"I can't say no to my annimalistic instincts."
"I want to experience pregnancy & childbirth!"
"ZOINKS! We need to breed more so we don't get outnumbered by other races!"
"I couldn't love someone else's child like I could my own."
"I have 'superior' genes!"

...You get the point.

6) It's Better To Not Have Existed, Then to Have. I believe that if you truly and honestly love your kids, then not having them is the kindest, most altruistic thing you can do (the kids never suffer and you never have to worry about taking a chance on a innocent child's life) as having children is taking a HUGE chance. TBH, I think it would've been better if I hadn't been born. Not because my life is a misery but because I feel cheated out of a few things when my life could've been so much more ideal and life (so far) is much less "Wonderful" and "Amazing" as most people point out.


7) Evil and Corruption. I don't believe it's wise or a good idea to contribute to a species who is very corrupted, stupid, greedy, selfish, and ego stroking/self-praising that is Homo Sapiens. I'd rather see us go extinct than see us live for another 100+ years. The only comforting to know is that eventually, like every other species that has lived, the human race will also go extinct. Hopefully. It'd be great for the Earth to become a grand paradise it was before we came around. people ALWAYS go on how "Great" and "Superior" we are when really, we're nothing but scum and contribute NOTHING to the other creatures and life on Earth. We destroy, kill off other species, pollute, abuse, rape, exploit, and so on. Trash like us DESERVE to die out because the Evolution of Man has been nothing more than a big failure. Since I'm a human as well, that makes me scum along with the rest of homo sapiens.

And no, I'm NOT trolling or just seeking attention. I wish I didn't have to validate whether or not I'm serious to you people.

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 69 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Crusades


    OP just went full retard

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  • I thought you wrote "anthianatalist" and thought it was some weird religion worshiping me and was disappointed when I read the post.

    Dont have children then. I hate when people completely focus on the negatives of humanity to the point they want everyone dead. That's such a stupid way to think, how about instead of whining about how people should go extinct, go be progressive in the world. Expand your scientific intellect and work on technology to purify the world, because humans can be f-Ing beautiful creatures and we don't all deserve to die. We deserve to be taught better. you are right, we are on a pretty crappy track. But are YOU doing anything about it other than complain about how much we suck?

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    • wii3willrule

      "I hate when people completely focus on the negatives of humanity to the point they want everyone dead"
      Humanity is vastly negative. Pollution, war, government, indoctrination, murder; you may say "but we've good things!" Like? A tea party in between bombings? Not really worth it.

      "Expand your scientific intellect and work on technology to purify the world, because humans can be f-Ing beautiful creatures and we don't all deserve to die."
      Keyword: "can". Not "is". "Can". Humans have failed over and over again in becoming anything near beautiful. Nobody deserves to die. But species like this on deserve to die off through population decrease.

      "We deserve to be taught better. you are right, we are on a pretty crappy track. But are YOU doing anything about it other than complain about how much we suck?"
      People have tried and tried hard to get humanity back on track. Nothing worked because people are insane. Not stupid, rather they are insane. The best anyone can do is reject the things that make humanity evil and just try to do your best.

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      • mrkrule

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  • mrkrule

    I have thought about all of this and tbh I don't have patience for this wannabe nihilism anymore. Have you seen Neon Genesis Evangelion? It talks a lot about this and about how life is ultimately worth living if you are willing to endure it.

    Things have been rough at times, but overall I'm glad I exist.

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  • disthing

    No, it's not normal to think it's wrong for anyone to have a baby.

    It's also not normal to hate humanity and want it to disappear off the face of the planet (except on this site it seems).

    You sound like you'd be an incredibly difficult person to have any fun with ever. A real miserable, misanthropic git.

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    • wii3willrule

      Not normal if you define normal as the majority opinion. However, he is completely normal if you define normal as sane and rational.

      Misanthropes, like myself, can have fun but only with a select few, trusted people who have proven themselves to be different than the rest. People who aren't as toxic and cruel as the world around them.

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      • disthing

        I define normal as average, typical, common.

        So yes, it's not normal.

        Sometimes, there is a rational basis for misanthropy. For example, if someone has been horribly (and I mean horribly) treated by 99.9% of people they've encountered. In these cases, it's a phobic response to people, a self-defense mechanism against perceived threats.

        But this is so seldom the case with self-declared misanthropes. They are usually just the extreme end of pessimism; all they see is the worst of everything, the doom and gloom, they are totally oblivious to the sunshine and rainbows that happen with equal frequency.

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        • wii3willrule

          With equal frequency? Give me an example of something positive that is just as far reaching and just as touching as war or starvation or poverty. Misanthropy makes sense because the world need not be this way; yet humans, by their own choice, have created a world where there is seldom good. It is not called pessimism when it is reality.

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          • disthing

            This won't go anywhere.

            Your perception of reality is skewed to the negative. All you see is the most negative extremes of human behaviour; war, poverty, suffering. You don't see the huge and continuous effort from the majority of people to work together to survive - and thrive, for our mutual benefit, even down to the tiniest of actions (politeness, altruism, kindness).

            If it wasn't for this continuous, mutually beneficial effort to work together, you and I probably wouldn't be here. Maybe you'd prefer that, but from my experience, there is enough joy in the world to make life worth living for most people.

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            • wii3willrule

              "This won't go anywhere."
              That's a negative view point! How *dare* you be negative!

              "You don't see the huge and continuous effort from the majority of people to work together to survive - and thrive"
              Majority? Since when? Haha, if this is the best world that your "majority" can create, then that is laughably pathetic. "Thriving", yes, because those children in Africa sure are thriving; the majority are *very* helpful people.

              "[T]here is enough joy in the world to make life worth living for most people."
              Joy in the world, no. Joy in the mind, yes. The outside world, if viewed without toxic mythology or drugs, is an overwhelmingly negative place. The mind, however, can create infinite joy.

              Tell me, good man, if the world is such a happy-happy place, why is it that the vast majority of people rely on emotional leeching, on drugs, on television, on alcohol, on religion-- why do people feel the need to depend on toxic lies and deceit, simply to get through the day?

              The world is a horrible place, and it won't get any better if people keep "looking on the bright side". You cannot cure a cancer you refuse to see, my friend.

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  • mystery7

    I agree with you on some of your points. Humanity seems headed to destruction simply from over population, over consumption and resource depletion. The planet can only support so many people.

    Personally, I believe the planet will hit a tipping point some time in the next 200 years, where the world's population will crash by about 95% due to some of the reasons you mention, or disease, famine, or something we cannot even imagine.

    But I do question: "It'd be great for the Earth to become a grand paradise it was before we came around" How do you know it was a 'Grand Paradise'? Just because it was populated by animals? Nature left to its own devices is red in tooth and claw.

    If it does return to a Grand Paradise as you suggest, why will that matter? As there will be no humans to experience it as a GP anyway.

    Ultimately our planet will be burned to a crisp when the Sun turns into a Red Giant in about 5 billion years or so. So whatever happens, nature / the Universe has its own way.

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  • craze3

    I don't really agree with the second point but personally I want to remain childless and I agree with the points about overpopulation and selfish reasons for procreating.
    I honestly just think I'll get more out of life without having children, too. So yeah I'd say it's definitely a normal thing to feel.

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  • Treehugger29

    Nonexistence isnt good or bad. Its the complete absence of anything.

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  • wii3willrule

    I completely agree. Although, living is a nice thing as compared to death or nonexistence.

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  • flawdagirl

    I totally see where you're coming from, especially the points you make in 3 and 5. If every couple on this earth had kids just imagine the chaos. I also have a secret hatred towards babies and young children that no one in my real life knows about.

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    • wii3willrule

      Hatred towards babies? What'd they ever do to you?

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