Is it normal that i'm afraid of and avoid christians? (no offense meant)

This is a serious issue for me so please no jokes.

I grew up in the US but I have always felt uncomfortable around christians because they always talk about their religion in every situation, like it's the be-all end-all of belief. The ones I've known don't even have general knowledge about other belief systems or spirituality or lack of it.

Sometimes they really scare me with the things they say randomly, like my coworkers talking about hell and burning flesh over lunch in a lighthearted manner.

One coworker called our hindu coworker a satan-worshipper behind his back. I'm not a hindu, but I know he doesn't even believe in satan, how could he worship him?

Now that I am older I just feel uncomfortable whenever anyone mentions ANYTHING about christianity. If I hear a quote, or the word 'bible', or see a church or hear a little old lady screaming praise the lawd, I get this chill down my spine and feel sick.

Should I visit a therapist or do other people go through this too?

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67% Normal
Based on 24 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I don't go out of my way to deal with them. Only dealing with my immediate family members because, it can't be avoided. I've learned that it's best not to talk about beliefs.

    When I meet people, when I hear that they're religious (especially, of an Abrahamic faith -so far, I've only met Christians and Jews), I panic and become hesitant to share my religious views.

    I've noticed this with Christians only, that many will assume that the people they meet are also of the same faith. It makes things awkward. I don't want to be harassed if (they/when) they find out that I'm not of the same faith as them. I don't even enjoy being questioned about my beliefs. It makes me feel as though they have already made up their minds about me and are trying to feign tolerance/civility until they know for sure. I panic, which makes me come off as lacking in knowledge for my own faith. Which may make them think that I'm a poseur, who's only doing this to look cool. I really don't like being put on the spot.

    Extremists of any religion scare me.

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    • no faith scares me except christianity. no jew or buddhist has ever woke me up at 5 am asking if I know jesus.

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  • Redcoats

    You seem to be afraid of a lot of things. Are you sure you don't have pantophobia?

    Silly as it sounds, pantophobia isn't actually a fear of pants, it's a fear of everything..........which includes pants, I suppose.

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    • lol. no just christians. especially protestants, some of those bible thumpers have actually threatened to kill me before. but they were drunk at the time so I don't know if it counts.

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      • BareClaire

        That doesnt sound very Christian to me.

        Sounds like you are just afraid of a couple of assholes who say they are Christians

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  • VinnyB

    I see what you did here and I support it. It is understandable with all of the Christian terrorists and Christian terrorist groups. Groups like the KKK. Also the Army of God that would bomb abortion clinics. The bombing of the Olympic Park in Atlanta in 1996, the murder of abortion clinics, bombings of Planned Parenthood, and more. And that is just here in the US. So I can understand your fear, but you should never fear or condem an entire group for the actions of a few. Believe it or not, there are some good Christians too.

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    • I agree.. my mom was a seriously practicing christian and I loved her dearly. but she knew how I felt about the extreme types from a very young age and tried to keep the bible thumpers away from me. especially some of my family members who no longer speak to me because of it

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  • Freedom_

    Some of them have a weird, glazed look in their eyes, don't they? Like they're here, but their not here... I'm tolerant of Christians and they're not all "out there" like that but the ones who are scare me a little. I can never be sure if they're filled with the light or if their egos are bursting from their physical bodies.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yall could move somewhere with less religious freaks but thered just be some other kinda freaks there prolly

    yep jesus freaks suck though

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    • well we do have a hippy neighbor that yells at me for buying meat when she sees a burger king bag in my hand. she's one of those mystic meditation types that eat sprouts and wears hemp.

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  • JD777

    Best just to deal with it and have a little tolerance - you'll encounter those folks the rest of your life.

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    • Is it a tolerance issue? I tolerate them being around me, i don't flail my arms and chase them off.. they just scare me... i'd say it's more of a phobia?

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