Is it normal that i'm afraid of heights but i keep exposing myself to my fear?

I'm terrified of heights, but I feel compelled to expose myself to this fear. Like if I'm at the top of a set of spiral staircases and there's a four-story drop I feel the need to lean over the edge and look down. Today I was on a large boat and I was on the observation deck at the top, and I kept looking over the edge, even though it made me feel really uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just subconsciously seeking a thrill, I don't know.

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95% Normal
Based on 41 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Short4Words

    It could be that. Maybe deep down you want to rid yourself of this fear and are challenging yourself?

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    • Joseph2211

      WOW I have never know that there's a person in this world would afraid of being 10inches of the ground.

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  • (s)aint

    I think it's a good thing that you are doing this, it's hardly something that puts you at risk and you might even have an easier time with your fear so I see no harm in this.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What you want is immersion therapy.

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  • halfemptyhalffull

    Adrenaline junkie in the making!!!!

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  • jeremybrown50k

    Not having fear is not bravery but utter delusion. Over coming fear is what is true bravery. Say a man who never saw a Shark only heard about but does not fully understand the danger it poses goes Shark fishing, its delusional. But a little boy afraid of the darkness goes to rescue his lost puppy at the dead of night is what I call true bravery. So imo over coming fear is what is true bravery...

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