Is it normal that i'm afraid to get drunk?
I'm afraid to get drunk and say things which I'll regret in the future. I'm someone who tries to get along with everyone, and I'm fearful that I'll say something hurtful.
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I'm afraid to get drunk and say things which I'll regret in the future. I'm someone who tries to get along with everyone, and I'm fearful that I'll say something hurtful.
When I was young I would go to the bar and get blackout drunk. The next day I would feel I had done something terrible. But I worked up the nerve and went back the next day and asked my friends if I fucked up. They said no I was the life of the party. I was worried because from 17 to 34 I drank and had more fights than I can remember.
Well I learned despite being A happy chill drunk at first but then I can get sad and say things I'd normally wouldn't. I use to drink to get drunk, drinking the harder stuff. Now I don't care to drink because I know its possible I will open up too much and not even know what the hell I am worrying about. I Have asked questions on IIN while drunk. There is A lot of stuff that goes on in my mind, and when drunk any of them can become A topic. People get stupid when they get drunk, I have been so wasted before I was blacking out. The feeling of being drunk really isn't worth it. You don't have to be afraid to get drunk if you choose not too. Worrying about saying something hurtful is the least of your worries if you get yourself drunk. You don't have to be drunk to say something hurtful, knowingly or not.
I think most people are pretty happy, good drunks that usually only have nice things to say. If you're a more-or-less decent person, that's probably the way you are.
But other people just have a real nasty side that comes out. I suppose those people have a lot of bottled up anger and resentment.
So, it's a legitimate concern, but imo not something worth worrying about too much unless you already know you're an evil drunk.
Its normal to feel this way. Why do you feel like you have to get drunk anyways?