Is it normal that i'm harmless when i drink?

I'm not usually an aggressive person, but I'm actually harmless even when I get drunk. I've actually gotten drunk quite a few times in my life, but no one has ever told me I was aggressive. Actually, I just tend to get emotional (as in I laugh or cry easily). I've also been told that I act really silly like a mental retard, but I'm not unpleasant to be around, unless I get super annoying. Other than that, I'm completely harmless.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • IrishPotato

    People react differently to alcohol.

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  • Boojum

    People react differently to intoxication.

    Some believe that your true personality comes out when you're drunk. Alcohol reduces inhibitions, so it overrides the rules about how people should behave that you've learned since childhood.

    I'm sure some people also use alcohol as an excuse to release their inner three year-old. I've known people who behave like complete asses after just a couple of drinks, and I find it hard to believe that's all down to the effects of booze on their neurological functions.

    My main reaction to alcohol is to doze off. Since I'm fundamentally a lazy bastard, that supports the "true character" idea.

    I guess you must basically be a doofus.

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