Is it normal that i'm in my mid 20's and click better with people twice my age?

I have always felt more comfortable and like I "click" better with people who are 40+ than people my own age. It does depend on the person of course, but I've noticed this pattern with me.

I was bullied quite a bit throughout school and have been intimidated by people my age ever since, and always feel like they are silently judging me. Older people have almost always been super nice to me and I find it very easy to have a conversation with them, unlike with people my own age, where it's hard to get many words out.

Of course, this doesn't mean I am closed off to people my own age because I do have friends my age, but it's typical that I feel more comfortable around and click better with older people.

Another contributing factor may be that I find conversations with older people to generally be more enjoyable since they are more laid back and it doesn't feel as much like competition or a show, or all about things like sex, getting drunk or high, etc.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • mauzi

    I agree with you there. how do you meet them and do they like you too?

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    • Usually through my parents lol or through work, and yes they seem to. Even my friends' parents growing up always liked me.

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