Is it normal that i'm not religious but i think joel osteen is so cool?
Found this guy's book on Amazon and looked him up. Holy cow! He's like that Tony Robbins motivational guru. He's amazing. I'm NOT religious, and I don't care. This guy has a knack for hypnotic positivity that is extremely catching. Therefore, I don't care what god or gods, or lack of gods he's advocating in life, he's just brilliant energy that one can utilize when you need positive motivation for anything. Borrow his techniques to wire your brain towards awesome "I know I can do ________(anything you set your mind to)_____." Am I at all normal to be not religious yet, think this? I would love to plop Joel Osteen's super-optimism on a mantra soundtrack.
The dude has a freaking net worth estimated at $40 million bucks! Damn, he's GOOD. No wonder he's all smiley.