Is it normal that i'm obsessed with norman bates?

The first time I saw "Psycho", my life was changed forever. I ended up watching the movie over 100 times and now that "Bates Motel" is on the air, I watch that several times a day every day, too. I've been doing this for the past five years.

The reason for my obsession is the character Norman Bates. I don't know what it is, but I can't get enough of him. He's just so sweet and sensitive and at the same time deeply disturbed. I empathize with him so much and I want him not to kill anyone else but at the same time I know he's not really responsible for his murders because he always blacks out!

I've even started modeling my life after Norman. I started doing taxidermy as a hobby (I really enjoy it!) and as soon as I get enough money saved up, I'm going to purchase my own motel. Don't worry, I won't kill anyone, although I am trying to figure out how to make myself black out. Is there something wrong with me?

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27% Normal
Based on 33 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • aimiria

    Okay PLEASE don't try to black yourself out. That can be really dangerous and you can end up really hurting yourself.

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  • MasakakiKairi

    don't make yourself black out, it can cause you to hit your head. When you black out, you COLLAPSE LIKE A BUNCH OF BROCCOLI

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  • bittermayonnaise

    Watch the movie 'Pretty Poison' Anthony Perkins is the lead, interesting movie.

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  • Tempest-au

    Okay, let me tell you a secret.

    (Sound of door creaking open)

    "No mother, I wasn't being rude. Really, I was just here, umm, researching anatomy, with my friend. There is no need to kill my friend, really. Mother? Mother! Aargh!"

    (You realise that Norman Bates was never married, so technically he was Master Bates... Think about that.)

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